
Tuesday 22 November 2011

Passion For Promarkers - swirls & sparkles

Our challenge for this week at Passion For Promarkers is 'swirls and sparkles', chosen by the lovely Michele.  You'll notice that I'm the only one on the DT who hasn't been sensible and used this challenge to add to the Christmas card pile - I seem to remember that last year I was finishing off my card for mum and her hubby just before we set off to their house on Christmas Day lol... no doubt I'll be the same this year!  We're sponsored by Letraset who are providing one of their fab promarker stamping kits for our lucky winner :o)

I've used one of the adorable Fairy Hattie images, which are one of the 'offer of the month' sets at DigiStamp Boutique.  I've coloured her with promarkers, flexmarkers and koh-i-noor pencils, and added lots of glamour dust - I might have gone slightly overboard, she's even got sparkly shoes :o)  The papers are First Edition, dark brown cardstock is from Papermill Direct, sentiment is CC Designs and the heart pearls from my stash.

I'm entering my card for the following challenges:

The tooth saga continues and I've still not been brave enough to go near a dentists.  I think my tolerance for pain is too high, and I'm actually getting used to it lol... Morgan went to a party yesterday at Laser Quest and as Dex was too little to go in, I took him upstairs to the soft play centre so he could play while we waited for Morgan.  While we were there, part of the offending tooth actually broke and when we got home I yanked the broken piece out myself... even I know that's not normal!


  1. gorgeous card and your colouring and glamour dust look fab x

  2. This is gorgeous! Such an adorable image, coloured beautifully!
    Please, please, please go and see a dentist, you must be in so much pain.
    Clare x

  3. Lisa this is adorable she is so cute! Fab layout hun. Joey x

  4. I'm with you on the dentist thing. A piece of one of my teeth broke off, leaving a sharp bit and I filed it with a nail file myself... Erm, ahem!

    Anyway, I love this card. The soft colours are perfect for the sweet image.

    Thanks also for playing at Sketch Saturday this week. xxx

  5. Super, super card. I really like this one. Your colouring is fab and I love the papers and layout. xx

  6. Gorgeous card Lisa. Love the layout and the papers and that image is so sweet.
    Thanks for joining us at DYSU this week.
    Denise xx

  7. Love this Lisa, the backing papers look fab and the image is adorable. You probably need to go to the dentist for some antibiotics! Carol x

  8. Hi Lisa
    A gorgeous and beautiful card love how you have used your paper's and i know how you feel about dentist ,i was brave enough to go when i had a abcess but coudn't take tooth out so it ended up falling out but now still waiting for an appointmnet and that was back at the beginning of August,
    Hugs Dianne xx :)

  9. Oh this is so gorgeous, what a delightful image :o)
    Jackie xx

  10. Lol at yr broken tooth hun, I know its not funny but its sooooo good to know I'm not the only one who does silly things like that lol. I broke my ankle a couple of years ago its was really bad but cus I laugh when I've hurt myself they wouldnt give me any pain relief even when they were straightening it lol.......I wasn't bothered tho infact I went through 5 casts cus I would rest it & still climbed up ladders etc lmao.
    Anyhoo your card is bleeding gorgeous hunni. Sorry for the babble lol.

    Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

  11. beautiful card...loving all the cool papers and colors...adorable image to


  12. Oh this is so sweet ,love it!
    And you need to see a dentinst hun!
    Hugs Heidy

  13. Oh Lisa this is so cute, love all the sparkle, so cute.xx

  14. Oh my this is just so cute, I really like the colour combination and the image is darling. You've coloured it so beautifully as always.

    I can't believe you pulled out part of your tooth! If you live anywhere near Hackenthorpe you could try Andy Cadman on Main Street he's really, really good. When I recently had to have a massively infected tooth taken out I never felt a thing and he's such a nice guy he'll put you at ease I promise.


  15. Lovvvvvve this very much....and you really must see a me, you must...xx (show the boys that you're a brave mummy)

  16. She is beautiful! Love your colours and layout x
    Wendy x

  17. This is just fantastic. I love every thing about it. Thanks for joining us at CRAFT this week. Good luck, hugs Sheryl xx

  18. This is just supercute! Very sweet image, great coloring. Thanks for joining us at Do You Stack Up.


  19. Just so gorgeous Lisa.
    Sue x

  20. Another beautiful card Lisa - love your colour choice as always and great colouring!

    Sharon x

  21. Fabulous card, love the sweet image and pretty patchwork effect papers. Gorgeous colour combos too. You really need to see a dentist, take a deep breath and be brave lol!!
    Lyndsey xx

  22. Super cute card Lisa, I need to keep on with those Christmas cards too!
    Ouch you must be anti-dentist to do that yourself!
    Hubbie went to dentists today to have root canal work to be told at last minute he didn't need it doing because it had already been done!!!! Bit slack I think...... Sorry not trying to put you off :(
    Jenny x

  23. Totally gorgeous Lisa! Love how you've coloured Hattie and the sentiment is just perfect.

    I used to be like you with the dentist but now I'm there every six months without fail as I'm terrified of ever needing false ones!

  24. Beautiful card Lisa...I love the sweet image and the colours you have used are so fresh and pretty.
    Debbie x

  25. So gorgeous Lisa....and pretty dp's too sweetie....

    Please hun go to the really must don't want the infection to travel to the rest of your teeth...I know you are scared but be a brave mummy for the don't want them to be scared too... :o)

    big hugs Vicky...xx

    Sorry to be a nag...that's the nurse in me...

  26. Gorgeous card Lisa, love the layout and the image is really sweet. Can't believe you pulled your tooth out, you know you really must get to the dentist hun. Hugs, Claire x

  27. Hi Lisa, what a wonderful card. Love the image, layout and the papers (my new love First Edition!).

    Been there done that, with regards to the dentist. I left going for so long, that I was pulling bits of tooth out as it crumbled away! Strange thing is, it never hurt - it was only when I was forced to the dentist that they made it hurt! It seemed at one point every time I went to the dentist I was getting a filling (if I open my mouth, I gleam I've got so many fillings!), one of the reasons I stopped going for so long!

    In all honesty tho, the last two years I've been - no probs and I'm outta there like a shot!



  28. Gorgeous card Lisa, love the layout! Please get to the dentist, they really aren't that scary!
    Helen x

  29. Gorgeous colouring and love your layout.
    Jan x

  30. This is a real little cutie pie Lisa, that background design is ACE and that image is gorgeous I love it.
    Lorraine x

  31. Ouch! Lisa, that must have hurt, hope you can pluck up the courage to go hun, you will feel loads better when you're sorted. Love this very beautiful card, Gorgeous image & colours. Thanks for joining us at Sketch Saturday.

    Donna x

  32. ouch lisa, please see a dentist incase your tooth is infected.
    love your card, the image is so sweet and your papers and sparkle are stunning ;D

    xx coops xx

  33. At least you have one more beautiful birthday card to add to your stash! Love the checkered background and your coloring of that sweetie. and um, hope your hubby can drag you down there soon - what if your whole tooth falls out? yikes.

  34. Fab papers, super cute image, wonderful card Lisa!

  35. Sensational!! I love it!!!!!!!

    Love everything about it, the colours, the image, the layout!!

    Wow .. super gorgeous!

    Thankyou so much for playing with us at Creative Craft Challenges.

    xoxoxoxo Carly
    PS did I tell you how much I love it!

  36. Ooooh OUCH Lisa!! You really do need to go to the professional... you'll end up losing the tooth!
    I had my two crowns yesterday... and did OK, apart from a couple of loo trips while I was there! My bladder always gives my nerves away..

    Onto your stunning card.... I love the colours you've used and how you've coloured that little darling!
    Christine x

  37. This is adorable and your coloring is wonderful! Thanks for joining us for the Do You Stack Up Challenge Blog Splash of Blue Challenge! Please join us again for the next challenge!


  38. This is so super cute Lisa, fab DP's, image and colouring (and sketch too, lol!). Love it!
    Ouch, ouch, ouch! I think I would rather go to the dentist than yank a tooth out myself!! Poor you honey :o(

  39. Cute card thanks for joining us at Creative Craft Challenge this time.
    Jenny x
