
Monday 14 November 2011

Excitement over!

No card to show today, although I have been making lots I can't show them yet.  I just thought I'd pop in and say thank you for all your comments yesterday, and to everyone who left messages about the house... unfortunately when I rang the estate agents today they said the house had already sold, they've just not put a sold sign up yet... boo hoo!!!  I'm very disappointed but that house was obviously not meant for us.  At least it's given us a bit of a push and we can start looking properly next year.  Glass of wine or two for me tonight I think, sob!


  1. Twasn't meant to be hon, there'll be something better on the horizon. Enjoy your wine! xx

  2. Oh sorry to hear that Lisa, I was only getting enthused with your excitement earlier today as well! Best way to look at it..... These things happen for a reason ;)
    Jenny x

  3. Oh what a shame but obviously was not the house for you.
    BIG glass of wine I think!!
    Denise xx

  4. I agree with the ladie's before me!
    Hugs Heidy

  5. there will be something better round the corner...just you wait!!


  6. So sorry sweetie...but as the others wasn't meant to be hunni....enjoy your wine...and big hugs Vicky xx

  7. Aww! hun, it was'nt meant to be as you say. There will be the perfect house for you all around the corner. With a lovely little craftroom for you and a fab garden for the boys. Enjoy your wine Lisa and I think you ought to have some chocolate too. :o)

    Donna x

  8. It probably had a mouldy bathroom hunny - it wasn't meant to be. Have a large glass, chill out, and think that the right one is out there, you'll find it when the time is right. Big huggles, Sxx

  9. Never mind hun, another one will come up very soon. Hugs, Claire x

  10. Your right, it was not to be...unless the buyers back, you never know...enjoy your wine hun.xx

  11. Aww, this has happened to me in the past too Lisa, but something better turned up. xx

  12. Oooh Lisa, I'm sorry it didn't work out! It's such a disappointment, isn't it - been there, done that! It was either meant to be yours - and will come back on the market, or your perfect house it out there waiting for you. Either way, enjoy your glass (or two!) and have a nice relaxing evening. Sarah

  13. Hi sweetie I'm playing catch up tonight & didnt see your post yesterday but I've just seen it & then seen this 1 & I'm really gutted for you hun but like you said it musnt meant to be...... I'm sure you will see & find something so much better hun & how totally fantastic of your she is just awesome!!!
    Cheer up chick your dream house will pop its head up soon.

    Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

  14. So sorry for you Lisa but what's meant to be will be! I am sure you will find a better one!
    Helen x

  15. I agree with you and the others - it must not have been meant to be. Your dream house will come - and it will be even better (plus you don't really know - there might have been something wrong with that house)! But can I join you with the wine - after I'm done dunking my head in coffee? LOL

  16. Boo!! As you say - and the others - it just wasn't meant to be. Probably has dry rot and woodworm anyway!! Hugs, Marie xx

  17. Aww what a shame.....still the perfect house is still waiting for you some where....and you never know the sale on the one you liked may fall through yet :)

  18. Oh that's a shame Lisa .. .. but it just means that it wasn't for you and there is something much better just waiting to be found.

    It is disappointing though when you have got yourself all excited. Even I was excited!!!!!

    Sorry :-(

    Love Jules xx

  19. aw lisa.what a shame to hear that the house has sold.there must be a better one lined up for you.

    xx coops xx

  20. So sorry to hear that Lisa but I do believe that everything happens for a reason and it just wasn't meant to be for some reason. Like Coops says above there must be a house better suited for you already on the horizon. Best wishes xx

  21. So sorry to hear this news especially after what you said in your last post. You never know though, the sale might fall through, or now you are on "house alert" an even better property might be around the corner. Best of luck to you.
    Hugs,Clare xx

  22. Awwwww to your news.... but you're right..... it wasn't 'the one' for you.... which will be waiting when you're ready to go for it!! All things happen for a reason - our life is already planned out!
    Christine x

  23. Oh Lisa I just left a comment on the previous post I was so thrilled for you now I feel your sadness, how rotten that it was sold as quick as that, never mind maybe you will get an even better one next year, enjoy the wine, lol.
    Lorraine x
