
Wednesday 26 October 2011

Photos from Wetlands

I'm getting next to no time for crafting this week, with the boys off school and hubby off work - I've booked tomorrow in the craft room though... hubby's doing child duties so I can catch up!  So I thought I'd share a few pics from our trip to Wetlands Animal Park yesterday... hubby in charge of the camera so there's never any decent ones of the kids!



Dex looking a bit nervous feeding the deer 

Morgan looking a bit nervous too - the owl was about to fly over his head 

And a scenic one of the water!

I'm trying to comment on all your blogs this evening, but for some reason certain blogs are making my laptop freeze and Google Chrome keeps crashing.  So it's a bit slow but I'm not giving up yet!  Hopefully back with a card tomorrow :o)


  1. Fab piccys, hope you had a lovely day out.

    Lyndsey xx

  2. Fab pics Lisa! I've been having the same problems when I'm trying to comment. Drives me nuts!!

    Hope you have a productive crafty day tomorrow!

  3. Such a cute bunch of pics - looks like you all had a lovely day out!

    Sharon x

  4. Oh what a gorgeous pictures Lisa,and I have the same problem today with blogger!
    Thanks for your kind words ,they mean so much to me!
    Hugs Heidy

  5. Great Pics Lisa glad you had a nice day out. xxxx enjoy your craft day tomorrow

  6. So gorgeous all the piccies and it looks like you had a super day out...!

    I have had similar issues too...gone over to Firefox...and no probs at all now...!

    big hugs Vicky xx

  7. HI Lisa, what great pics - sounds like you are having a busy half-term too! I'm playing catch up in blog-land too, as real-land is a bit busy at the mo! I'm also having trouble with the old internet, lappy freezing and so on. Would comment on your cards individually, but don't want to chance the lappy crashing again! Suffice it to say, I've never seen a dodgy card from you and that the PfP card is just perfect. Love your CaS cards too! Sarah

    PS - It makes me feel guilty every time I see your paper ban post - I'm still giving in to First Edition pads - what can I say I'm addicted!!!!

  8. That truly is the cutest wallaby ever! I just want to cuddle it! The meerkats are pretty cute too. :-)
    I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one experiencing problems with Google Chrome crashing. I had the worst time last night trying to do the rounds!

  9. Really cute pics Lisa, looks like a fun place for the kids. I'm down on crafting time this fact have been since September!
    Jenny x

  10. Fabulous photos Lisa... thanks for sharing them. Particularly love the one of Dexter and the Deer.. an also the reflections one! Glad you had a good day.

    We went up to Grassington, North Yorkshire yesterday... it was a beautiful day to be outside!

    Christine x

  11. Looks like a great day was had by all. Lovely photograpjs, I love the reflections on the last one :o)
    Jackie xx
