
Friday 21 October 2011

I've had better days!

It's never good when your 3yr old manages to throw up in your face is it... it's been a bad day... and I think that's probably quite enough information!

Before the 'incident' I was playing with a fab set of Darkroom Door stamps from Papercrafts TV called Vintage Automobiles - LOVE this set!  I've never tried Darkroom Door stamps before, they come in a lovely silver tin and they'll look great on my shelf - I'm going to have to collect more of these sets!

I just wanted to make some simple cards ready for if and when I decide to open my Etsy shop.  All stamps, including the small stamps used for the backgrounds, and the sentiments, are from the same set, stamped in 'rich cocoa' memento ink on Stampin' Up kraft card.

Dex is asleep now - I had to get hubby to leave work early so he could pick Morgan up from school, as I was in no state to go anywhere!  Hoping he'll feel a bit better when he wakes up.  Off to catch up on some commenting while I can...


  1. Oh Lisa!! You poor thing!! I have a hard time "dealing" with that sort of mess...glad my kiddos are older..they can deal with it themselves! LOL!

    Your card is a great masculine design hun! Love the browns!! :)

  2. Awww Lisa I hope he soon feels better...and
    I think your cards are adorable,you always manage to do this kind of card so beautifully, wish I could, they always look a mess when I

  3. Oh Lisa poor Dex and poor you!!
    Gorgeous cards - especially the last one - that sentiment really made me giggle.
    Take care and I hope Dex feels better soon.
    Denise xx

  4. Hi Lisa, what great cards - simple but elegant and the last one is just great. That sentiment is brilliant! Sorry you've had a bad day. Wonderful how children can throw up at a moments notice isn't it! And normally all over you, not anywhere you are pointing them (i.e. floor, bucket, loo!) but, oh no, you!!!! Hope little one is better soon. Sarah

  5. Oh dear Lisa, that wouldn't have been nice, reminded me of last week at school when a pupil threw up on one of the teacher's feet! At least it was your own child! Hope they feel better soon. Great cards. Hugs, Claire x

  6. Oh dear Lisa - that's terrible!!! Well, even after all that you still managed to make a fab card!!! I think that deserves a pat on the back. Well done you. Jxx

  7. Three Brilliant cards Lisa, the sentiment on the last one made me smile, hope Dex is feeling better soon. Janette x

  8. The joys of being a mum, lol!! Poor little Dex - hope he feels better soon!

    These cards are brilliant Lisa. The style of the stamps suit the Kraft so well. Great sentiments too.
    Have a lovely weekend.

  9. Oh no! Hope little fella feels better when he wakes up! The things us Mum's have to put up with - but we wouldn't have it any other way would we? As usual, your cards are beautiful- wish i could manage that style - you should defo open Etsy shop!
    Jo x

  10. Oh poor Dex I hope he feels better soon!
    Your card are beautiful Lisa!
    Hugs Heidy

  11. Fab cards these stamps are super, hope your day is improving, Mary x

  12. Love these stamps and you have mad fab cards with

  13. Awwww poor Dex I hope he is ok and hasn't picked up a nasty bug. I adore this vintage stamp set they look great and the sentiments are FAB, I just popped over to have a gander and they have some really lovely stuff, I have bookmarked it so I can have a better look later.
    Lorraine x

  14. Oh yuk Lisa, the things we have to go through with kids! Hope Dex feels better soon. Your cards and the stamps look fabulous though. Carol x

  15. Love these classy cards, Lisa. Sorry to hear about the "incident" and hope the little one feels better soon. Mine once managed to projectile vomit from the back seat of the car and hit the windscreen. Nice. xx

  16. Hi Lisa,

    I am still playing catchup in blogland after my hols, I have enjoyed looking round your blog at all your fab creations I missed while I was away.

    Love the feel of these cards, the brown ink with the kraft works so well!!

    Hugs Juls

  17. eeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!

    we had a demo from rachel greig from darkroom at Dawn Bibby's shop for our craftathon this year..the stamps are fab x

  18. forgot to say..fabby cards x

  19. Euck!!...isn't parenting fun! I bet he's fine when he wakes up.... hope so :)
    These images are great and I love the sentiments too, especially the 'over the hill' one :)
    Jenny x

  20. Oh dear sweetie....not a good I do hope wee Dex is feeling better now hun...and your cards are fantastic as ever...

    big hugs Vicky xx

  21. Fabby cards Lisa. Simple but really effective.

    Hope the wee man is feeling better now.

    Susan xxx

  22. Fabby cards Lisa. Simple but really effective.

    Hope the wee man is feeling better now.

    Susan xxx

  23. eurgghhhhh lisa.i bet that was not nice at all,the joys of being a mum eh.i hope dex is feeling better soon and i love your cards.great stamps for male cards and the sentiments are brilliant :D

    xx coops xx

  24. Great cards Lisa, I love the simplicity of them. These images look very useful. (Smacks fingers!)

    Hope poor Dex is feeling better. Glad my lot are all grown up now!

    Kat xx

  25. Aww kids...don't you just love em! Never fail to present you with these little challenges do they lol! Your cards are fab!! So simple but very fabulous indeed! Have a good weekend if you can! xx Jenny xx

  26. Oh, Lisa, vomit anywhere is not good, but in your face is about the worst! Ah, parenting, who would choose it? LOL! I hope Dex is better soon. And I hope you recover from the shock quickly. ;-)
    Your cards are great. Different to your usual style, but just as appealing. I love the sentiment on the last one, it made me laugh.

  27. Oh my Lisa, I hope Dex is feeling better!

    Fabulous cards:-)

    Hugs, Kelly

  28. Love the cards, so perfect for guys, no fuss but still elegant. Love the saying about the hill made me chuckle.

    Hope Dex is feeling better and that the experience didn't traumatise you too much.

  29. Thank goodness I am on the greatgrandchildren now so I don't have to cope with them any more!
    I love these fabulous cards, so simple but so timeless :o)
    Jackie xx

  30. Awwww poor little man being poorly..... and poor mummy by the sound of it too!

    LOVE these cards Lisa... particularly that last one... over the hill... what hill? that is so what it feels like!! hehe
    Christine x

  31. Poor litle thing hope he is better now !!!! love your cards what a fab stamp set Luv Sue x

  32. Poor litle thing hope he is better now !!!! love your cards what a fab stamp set Luv Sue x

  33. Hope little one feels better very soon hun!!

    Gorgeous Kraft card the simplicity of them, such a great effect :D
    hugs and xxx

  34. oh that's not a good image, hope he's feeling better now.

  35. Oh your poor son, and poor you Lisa. Hope he's feeling better soon and that you get to have a nice bath! These cards are wonderful! The vintage images look fab in dark brown on kraft. Vx

  36. Hi Lisa hope Dex is feeling better by now, not much fun to be sicked upon. Stunning card though and I love your sentiments to. hugs Shirleyxxxx

  37. Oh my Lisa, I hope your weekend has improved since the "incident"! Gorgeous cards, love these stamps. Wedgie xxx

  38. Hmmm, sounds like an 'interesting' day lol! Hope things have improved for both of you by now. Love the cards! xx
