
Wednesday 27 July 2011


No cards today... we've been to Filey for the day.  We met up with my mum and her hubby Andrew, and his daughter, her partner and their baby.  We've had yummy fish and chips by the sea, spent hours on the beach and finished the day with ice cream :o)  Filey's a couple of hours away from us, so it's been a loooong day and I'm as tired as a big tired thing from Tired Land, so even though I've got a couple of cards ready I can't be bothered to take photos of them lol!  Will be round to catch up with you all this evening though, as I've not been here to see what you've all made today.  Back tomorrow with a card hopefully!


  1. Aww! sleepy head, sounds like you've all had a lovely day. Bet the boys loved it on the beach. Mmm! fish & chips & ice-cream. Perfect!

    Donna x

  2. ooh Lucky you. Filey is fantastic, the bestest beach on the east coast. Enjoy your evening.
    Lynne xxx

  3. Hi Lisa

    Sounds like you have had a brilliant day.

    Love the sound of fish and chips by the sea followed by and ice cream .. .. yummy!!!!

    Love Jules xx

  4. When your as tired as a big tired thing from Tired Land it's a sign that it was a brilliant day! Fish, chips, ice cream and sunshine - heaven! xx

  5. glad you had a good day, sleep well x

  6. Sounds like you have had a fabulous day. Travelling always makes you tired and there's always plenty of time to catch up with everyone tomorrow. Sleep tight. Hugs, Claire x

  7. Sounds like you had a fabbie day sweetie..spending time with your family & having lots of fun :D

    Hope you get lots of rest tonight & dont feel so tired tomorrow!
    hugs and xxx

  8. Oh lucky you. Filey is one of our 'go to' beaches - lovely long walks with the dog.
    Saw a pic on the news tonight and the weather looked glorious there.
    You should definitely sleep well after all that sea air.
    Caroline xxx

  9. Oooh I love the seaside...and fish'n'chips! xx Jenny xx

  10. My OH loves Filey and i wondered what all the fuss was about until he took son, me and dog there during our week in North Yorkshire and then i understood - it's fabby, Luv Sam x

  11. Oh how fun for you!! I sure wish I could've joined you all!! :)

  12. You sound as if you've had loads of fun! Think I must have met you in Tired Land...! Vx
