
Wednesday 5 January 2011

First card this year - at last!

Wow, I must be the world's worst blogger at the moment!  I'm still feeling very 'limp' following the flu, although I'm finally getting better... it just seems to be taking a while to get back into things!  I've coloured a few images this week, but this is the first one that's actually made it onto a card.  It's for my mum to give to my youngest son Dex, who'll be 3 on Saturday - although how my baby can be 3 years old already I have no idea!

I've used one of the fab new images from Digistamp Boutique, available here.  You can see all the new ones, including this month's gorgeous offer images here.  I've coloured the image with promarkers, with a touch of koh-i-noor pencils for some shading and glow.  The number 3 has been paper pieced and then covered in glossy accents... for some reason I forgot what bottle I'd got in my hand though, and shook it before I used it, so there are quite a few teeny bubbles in the gloss - I'm sure Dex won't mind though!  The papers are K&Co, with cardstock from the Papermill.  Stars cut with the sizzix primitive star die, button from stash and digi sentiment from here - I've just added the 'grandson' using photoshop.

I'm entering my card for the following challenges:
Off to pick up Morgan from school in a bit - they've been learning about Egypt and today they're going on a class trip to the museum, which will apparently include 'embalmer training' lol!  He's already been torturing me with all the gruesome details of how they used to mummify people, so I'm sure he'll be even worse after that!


  1. OMG!! I adore the colors on this card!! Sweet images too!! (I had to take a second look at your title and I thought it said: First card of the year..and last!!) YIKES!!! LOL!! Keep 'em coming girl!! HUGS

  2. Hi Hun!
    This is stunning, I LOVE the colours and the image is great. Love how you have paper pieced the "3". I know, where does the time go?
    Glad to hear you are recovering, it must have knocked you for six. Still Ihope you managed to enjoy Christmas
    Linds x
    ps if you get 5 mins could you email me your sddy again as i've lost it x

  3. fab bright colours and I adore the image! Hugs Juls

  4. Hiya Lisa!

    Fabulous card hun!, such a great image and I love the glossy number! Hope you are feeling alot better now sweetie :o)

    Hugs Vicky xx

  5. That is lovely, Lisa. I love the new image. Dex will love it!!! 3 sounds so grown up :( Why can't our babies stay babies for longer?

  6. This is gorgeous Lisa x My nephew is 3 in a few weeks and this image would be ideal for his card - thanks for the inspiration x

  7. what a pretty card ! makes me smile, lovely colors,
    greetings, martina

  8. Hi Lisa, I love your birthday card and Im sure young Dex will to, that image is just right for a little one.
    Yes I shouldnt stand still for long you might be in the running for being embalmed Im sure your big son will thoroughly enjoy his visit to the exhibition. With love and hugs Shirleyxxx

  9. Awesome colors and what an adorable card for a 3 year old. Get to feeling better soon so we can see more of your cute inspirations. "Hugs" Carol

  10. It's well worth the wait Lisa, I love it :o)
    Jackie xx

  11. Lisa, snap and double snap. I've neglected my hobby and my poor old blog until today. The after effects of Christmas and the chest thingy i suppose. Love the fresh colours of your card and the big 3 looks really good with the 3d glaze. Hopefully we can keep the interest up, maybe if the sun came out for a while it would help,lol.

  12. hey Lisa...I'm sure Dex will love this card...who wouldn't, it's gorgeous!! Great papers too. Thanks for joining us at Paper sundaes this week.


  13. Hi hun
    glad to hear your feeling better, been a nasty bug going round, totally gorgeous card, luv the colour, fab design, happy new year, sue,x

  14. Hi Lisa, glad you are gradually feeling better. Its great to see you back and it may be your first card this year, but what a card - brilliant - colours are really vibrant and great for a 3 year old. Hugs, Claire x

  15. What a perfect card for a wee boy. Bet he'll love it. Wish I could get round to making something! I've done nothing except some knitting so far.

    Kat xx

  16. Gorgeous card! Love the green and that fab image! Love 'n' hugs, Mel xx

  17. Hi Lisa, aww this is so lovely. Very cute image and love the fab colours. Perfect for your little chap, hope he has a wonderful birthday. Sounds like Morgan is enjoying learning about Egypt. Keep your eye on the loo rolls.

    Donna x

  18. cute wee image and lovely colouring............K x

  19. gorgeous card but im a worse blogger , no comments or cards since before xmas! x

  20. fantastic card lisa.i love the fab image and stunning vibrant colours. :D

    xx coops xx

  21. Great card and love the colour theme - very original. Many thanks for joining in with Fab'n'Funky Challenges this week.


  22. Hi Lisa

    So pleased you are starting to feel a bit better .. .. you have clearly had a good bout of something nasty.

    Your card today is so lovely and I am sure your son will love it too.

    Loving the super glossy number 3.

    Love Jules xx

  23. Fabulous and fun card Lisa that image the design and colours look super.
    Lorraine x

  24. Super card Lisa have left something on my blog for you. Mary x

  25. Too cute! I love this image and the papers you used!

  26. hi Lisa just popped back to thank you for joining us at Creative Inspirations this week, I tend to get so wrapped up with looking at the creations I forget to give thanks, lol.
    Lorraine x

  27. Hi Lisa,

    Glad to have you back hon and soooo glad you're finally feeling better even if you are still a bit limp. Fab card, I'm sure Dex will love it :o)

    Take Care,

  28. Wonderful card Lisa, love these colours together and such a fab image! Hope you are on the mend soon must be really fed up :( Donna x

  29. Hope you feel better soon....this creation is very gorgeous indeedy....Hope Dex likes it too....xx

  30. What a gorgeous card and three already, wow time does fly.
    Amanda xx

  31. This is adorable for a little 3yr old. great colours and image. Thank you for joining us at Creative Inspirations this week with your lovely creation.
    Suzi x

  32. I've got your flu, great start to the New Year NOT!! Hope you are feeling better soon sweetheart :)

    Please pop over to this post on my blog where I have an award for you.

    Blog With Attutude Award

    Lots of Love Mandy xxx

  33. Happy Birthday Little Dex. As for the card, coolio, as ever. And don't worry, you'll be back to full normal in no time, just keep warm and take it easy. Hugs. xxx

  34. What a super sweet card for a 3 year old, my little one was 4 on Monday and his party is tomorrow, oh joy !!!, Luv Sam x

  35. Totally cute, thanks for playing along with Fab N Funky!

  36. Great card, a fun image and fab colour combo! Thanks so much for joining in with the Creative Inspiration Challenge this week.
    Jenni x
