
Monday 20 December 2010

Woe is me....

Still feeling terrible... raw throat, aching all over... getting no sleep because poor Dex is coughing all night.  Joy!  Sorry I'm not getting around your blogs at the moment, I promise I'll catch up when I feel a bit better.

I've still got loads of cards to share (made before I was ill), but as I'm not able to return your comments at the moment I thought I'd just share a pic from a few weeks ago when we had really heavy snow in Sheffield.  We've hardly got any this time but it's currently -6 out, brrrr!  This photo makes me laugh because Dex is practically buried in snow, but still wanted to stay out and play!

Somehow I need to make a birthday card (which will be late!) and a couple of family Christmas cards... maybe tomorrow eh?!  Hope you're all well and warm, talk soon :o)


  1. Hiya Lisa!
    What a great piccie hun!, your boys looked liked they had such great fun lol!
    Hope you are feeling better soon for the big day:o)
    Hugs Vicky xx

  2. Hi hun

    Lovely picture, thanks for sharing and toake care of yourself.

    Big hugs Ali x

  3. Looks like you had fun xx

    Hope you feel better soon so you are 100% for Christmas x

  4. Love your pic. Keep your chin up. Things can only get better. Mary x

  5. Hope you feel better soon hun. Having had a horrible bout of the flu and still not being able to fully shift the virus after 4 weeks, I can fully sympathise with you. Stay warm and dose up and rest plenty. Big hugs, Claire x

  6. Hi Lisa, hope you get better really soon love. Love the fab pic of the boys.

    Donna x

  7. Oh dear Lisa .. .. I hope you start to feel a bit better soon. Far too much to be done and enjoyed at this time of year to be poorly!!

    Great photograph of your boys in the snow .. .. my 27 year old was quite envious when I just showed him because we have never had that much .. .. ever!!!!

    Take care.

    Love Jules xx

  8. Great piccie Lisa, hope your soon better hun, hate being ill, especially at Christmas.xx

  9. Oh Hun, I hope you all feel better soon. Sending huge hugs. xxx

  10. hope you feel better soon xx

  11. Hope you feel better soon xx stay in and keep warm !!! fab photo :-)

    Lols x x x

  12. Hope you will be feeling better soon....sending hugs!!!!.........your photo is brill!!!! I can see it making a great page in the future! Hugs Juls

  13. Hope you and Dex feel better soon hunny - going through it as well so can sympathise. Get well hugs, Sxx

  14. Hiya hon,

    Fab piccie, lol! It looks like it could be taken outside my house at the moment, we've had loads of snow!

    Sorry to hear you're still poorly :o( Hope you feel better soon ((( ))) Sending big get well hugs hon

  15. Fantastic pic Lisa. I do hope that you and Dex are better in time for Christmas!
    Jackie xx

  16. \sorry to hear your still not very well hunni hope your feeling better soon.

    Wishing you and you family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. luv gina xx

  17. Hi Lisa, sorry to hear your not to well at the moment, hope you soon improve or your not going to enjoy Xmas to much.
    Love the photo the boys do seem to be having fun dont they.
    Anyway have a wonderful Christmas whatever happens with your nasty bug. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxxx

  18. Lisa - do hope you feel better soon. Lovely picture of the children playing!!

    Please drop by my blog - there's a little something there for you.

    Regards, Deborah x

  19. Hope you're all better in time for Christmas. xxx

  20. Awwww - hope you feel better soon! Have a lovely Christmas and a fab 2011. Love 'n' hugs, Mel xx
