
Thursday 2 December 2010

A quick grumble

We still have no internet (just connecting again for a few mins using hubby's phone)... thanks for all your sympathetic messages, wish I could come and visit you all!  Just to make the week even worse, we have more snow than I can remember seeing for years - the boys played outside yesterday and the snow went right up to Dex's waist!  So we have no post arriving either... so I can't see the new router arriving tomorrow as we'd hoped.

I miss blogging sooo much - hope to see you all soon!


  1. Hello Lisa. What a pain this is for you, but hey, dont worry sweetie, we will still all be here for you when you get your connection back. Take care.
    Love Sandra xxx

  2. Hi hun
    keep losing mine drives me bloody nuts!!! hope you back soon, sue,x

  3. So sorry for you dear!! I hope everything works out soon...a Christmas miracle, right?! :) BIG HUGS your way...

  4. aww lisa ,,, don't worry me darlin ,,, we are all here waiting for you, in the meantime enjoy a little blog break xx :-)


  5. Awww hunni...fingers crossed this snow will soon go away so you can get your new router and get back to blogging again :o)
    My connection isnt very good with all this snow, its keeps logging me off much as this snow looks gorgeous and i love it, its cause's so much trouble.....lets hope it soon goes!!
    hugs and xxx

  6. Hi Lisa, hope you are all ok and snuggled up warm. I can't believe how bad we've got it. It's even too deep for the kids to enjoy playing in and building their 'glowmen'. Fingers crossed it goes away soon and you can get back online.

    Donna x

  7. Awww, lisa, really feel for you, what a nightmare, hate it when the pc goes...feel so cut off, hold on, we are all wishing you back soon.xxxx

  8. Sorry your having so many probs with your internet connection hope its sorted soon before you go nuts lol. luv gina xx

  9. What a shame that you can't connct with us at the moment, I will keep everything crossed that it won't be much longer :o)
    Jackie xx

  10. Well... poop! That would make me more than grumble lol!!! I'm feelin your pain :( Come back soon ♥

  11. oh dear lisa.i hope your new router manages to get to you through the are missed here in blogland.
    take care :D

    xx coops xx

  12. we miss you hun!!! good luck getting everything straightened out!

  13. :( aww hunnie i been trying to contact you about our invites no wonder iv had no reply hope your back on soon xxx

  14. I will grumble and grrr with you...

  15. has anyone heard from lisa??? does anyone know when her internets going to be working again i really need the invites i orderd and its cost me a lot of money :(
