
Wednesday 10 November 2010

Another mini card

Another one of my mini cards for Morgan's school friends, except I don't really like this one so I probably won't repeat it!  I've used another one of the 'tiny treasures' images from Pink Petticoat, with Dovecraft papers, coredinations cardstock and red gingham ribbon from my stash.  Image matted onto a nellie snellen frame, and added some black card candy.

I haven't had chance to visit many of you yet today, but I will do tonight.  We've had a busy day with a dietitian's appointment for Dex and then some shopping.  Dex is ridiculously fussy and we had a referral to the dietitian a while ago, today was our follow up appointment.  We saw a different one today and she seemed much more 'sensible'... she's said he's not underweight, he gets a varied diet although it's a bit limited (the last one we saw wanted him on vitamins, but he covers all his food groups with the foods he eats, so I didn't think it was necessary).  She's recommended we see 'the psychologists', which sounds a bit ominous, but I think it might be the right way to go... my main issue with him is his extreme fear of certain foods, particularly bread - seems an odd thing to be scared of but he literally won't touch it and screams and cries if we put some near him.  So we're waiting for another referral now, fingers crossed!

Right, enough rambling... off to visit a few of you now.


  1. Aaaww this is super sweet Lisa, cute image and love the frame too!

  2. Lisa this is so cute hun!, nothing wrong with little gem. Love the sweet Santa and the papers and ribbon really sets it off :o)
    Ahhh poor Dex!, my George was a real fussy eater, and at the age of 17 still is. He is now 5ft10" and lives on complete junk, I have no idea how he has survived and not one cavity lol!
    Take care,
    hugs VIcky xx

  3. I don't know why you don't like this sweetie, I think this is just adorable!! I'm sure the friend will love it!! :) HUGS

  4. Hi Lisa. Absolutely adorable. These are so cute. The paper is fab and the ribbon really highlights your centrepiece. Just perfect. Happy crafting.
    With love, Sandra xx

  5. Hi hun
    another gorgeous little card, so cute, aww i hope you soon get an appointment for Dex, bless, sue,x

  6. Don't know why you don't like this one hu, I think its really sweet. Hugs, Claire x

  7. I love this card! Why don't you like it? I think it's perfect!
    Good luck with Dex, I think what kids do or don't eat is a constant worry. I have one that survives on thin air and one that has to constantly have something edible in his mouth. Don't know which is worse!
    Linds x

  8. card is great, good luck with Dex x

  9. Hiya, well I think it's a cute fun card. Hope your little one gets on OK.

    Liz x

  10. Lovin your mini cards Lisa,are you making up your own card blanks or buying packs as I plan to do this for my boys classmates but not sure which way would be cheaper?
    Hope all goes well with Dex :)
    hugs amanda xx

  11. Hi Lisa, another cute,lovely card. I would definately repeat it. Kyle (my son at 18) was a really fussy eater, at one point about age 4, he was living off cream crackers, bananas and quavers. Hope all goes well with Dex.

    Donna x

  12. Hi Lisa! Really cute little card, love it! Good luck with the food thing. My four have always gone through phases with their food. Today's favourite is tomorrows dislike. The only source of fruit my 12 year old will have is smoothies. So I spend a flippin fortune on smoothies for him, just so he gets his vitamins. xx Jenny xx

  13. Aw Lisa what a sweet little card, I love your Mini cards, might be a good idea for me to make a few of them as well. I've finally got a chance tonight to catch up with a few blogging buddies, sorry to hear of the problems with Dex and his eating habits, wish I could help you out there. take care
    Donna xx

  14. Oh food issues must be scary, it's good that you are getting closer to getting to the bottom of it though. Good Luck. This card actually made me smile when I saw it, so you have to love it too! So there. xxx

  15. simple, but lovely card ! greetings, martina

  16. So adorable and love the image!!! I hope all goes well with Dex!!
    Hugs xx

  17. I adore this card Lisa that image made me giggle, the bp and design is gorgeous I love it.
    Lorraine x

  18. This is so cute I can't imagine why you don't like it?? I love it and the simplicity of it. Dex is probably just one of those little boys that doesn't like certain things so screams to keep from having to eat it. Sounds to me like he's pretty healthy and getting all the nourishment required. My grandson wouldn't eat meat or potatoes when he was little, all he wanted was veggies, waffles, and french toast. Now he's 22 and eats Give Dex a hug for me and don't stress. "Hugs" Carol

  19. good luck with Dex' dietary issues...I do love your's so adorable!
    xxx Margreet

  20. It may be mini but it's a likkle beauty :o)
    Jackie xx

  21. gorgeous card lisa.fab santa image and paper and i love the gingham ribbon.
    hope all goes well with dex :D

    xx coops xx

  22. Hey honey
    Fab wee card, dont know why you dont like it! Its super cute!
    Aww poor wee Dexter! I've been there, I have food phobias! have done since I was a child! The 1st dietician mu mum took us too said to make dinner "FUN TIMES" like adding colouring to it and making happy faces!! Dont think that would be good today tho!
    The psychologists, tho scary will help! After tests the dietician said i was just fussy and didnt bother helping but it was the 80's and things have changed so much!!
    Want a laugh, did you know fish fingers dont flush away?? Hee yes used to try hiding the food!
    Dont worry as, as long as he's eating and no other health promblems, you'll get through it!
    Thinking of you
    Hugs Melly xxx
    ps I lived on cucumber and tomotos hee

  23. Awww - another cutie! What's not to like? Love it! Love 'n' hugs, Mel xx
