
Friday 22 October 2010

Oops I did it again....

Ok, in my defense I'm ill - I woke up with a rotten cold (courtesy of hubby)... I didn't really want to try and make cards for my orders today because I knew I'd probably make a mess of them, but I really wanted to play with one of these cute little birdie images from Digistamp Boutique.  And as the challenge at One Layer Wednesday was to use birds, bees, flowers or trees (at least 2 from the list), I thought I'd have another go at a one layer card.... I think it might be my last attempt, I really am awful at them!

Sally-Ann - please pretend you've not seen this card, I promise to make some better cards using these little cuties soon!

I printed the image directly onto the card base, then coloured it in with koh-i-noor pencils blended with sansador (as promarkers would have bled through to the inside of the card), then added stickles to the bird's skirt and pearls on the flowers.  I couldn't decide what to do next, so I tried a few things out and finally settled on some blue fibres at the top of the card, made a little 'tassle' and then added a butterfly charm - so this also fits the challenge at Keep It Simple.  Oh I rounded the bottom corners and did some little paper pricked dots too.

When I brought this card downstairs to take the photo, hubby did a double take and said 'what's THAT?' and my eldest son (who's 8) said 'aren't you going to put some more stuff on it?'... then hubby suggested I put it on my blog and pretend it was the first card I ever made... so I feel really great about this one lol!


  1. Oh you are waaay too hard on yourself girl!!! I adore this!! The soft glow around the birdie is adorable and it's a great one-layer! :) Keep playing with things and I hope to hear you're feeling better soon!! HUGS

  2. I think it's absolutely adorable!

    Great job on the challenge!

  3. I think your card is lovely. Sometimes it is nice to keep it simple
    Hope your cold goes away
    hugs sarah x

  4. How can you have caught a cold form your dont get just colds LOL

    Love your card, agree that bird is super cute!
    The butterfly charm is lovely

    Thanks for joining us on KIS, hope to see you again next week
    mandi xx

  5. I think this is super, Mary x

  6. Oh Hunny I love this, your colourwork is super duper!!! thanks for entering my candy hun, good luck.Joey.xx

  7. Ohh Lisa it's gorgeous hun!, love the "GLOW" around the cute birdie and fab charm too. Hope you feel better soon :o)
    hugs Vicky xx

  8. Well I love it! The image is gorgeous and you've coloured it beautifully! Love the fluffy string. Hope you are feeling better soon
    Linds x

  9. Hi Lisa , lovely card, the image is so cute and you certainly know how to use those pencils, your colouring is fantastic. hope you feel better soon.

    Donna x

  10. (chuckle).....amazing colouring - infact, more than amazing....xx (still one stunning creation indeedy)

  11. This is a really sweet simple card and I love it. Hugs, Claire x

  12. Oh what do men, little or big, know? It's a fab card, don't know what you are worried about :o)
    Jackie xx

  13. Beautiful, Lisa. It's a gorgeous image and you've coloured it beautifully. Love 'n' hugs, Mel xx

  14. Don't be so hard on yourself, your card is beautiful.
    Clare x

  15. I think your being harder than you should be on yourself, it's a fab card, I really like it.xx

  16. well i think it gorgeous.i love the bird and the shading around it really makes it pop from the card :D

    xx coops xx

  17. Well I think it's great Lisa! Good on you for having a go at challenges that you find a 'challenge', that's what they're for I guess! Seriously though, it looks great. Your colouring is so good you don't need to dress it up to the speaks for it's self. Have a great weekend! xx Jenny xx

  18. I love this card, if suits our KICAS very well. Such a cute bird, love the fibre with the charm. Thanks for playing with us,hugs Caz

  19. Awww shucks... what do guys know? The most I ever get from my hubby is "Yeah, that'll do, won't it?"
    I think this is just the sweetest thing and I love that pretty glow around the bird.
    Caroline xxx

  20. Don't listen to them hun, men know nothing lol.
    Your card is gorgeous Lisa, simple yet beautiful.
    I wouldn't even attempt a one layer card as I'd never be able to manage it
    hugs Mandy xx

  21. What are men like? I love it, it's simple but really effective, a great one layer card.

    Kat xx

  22. I think it's beautiful; a really chic and modern one layer card. Hope you're feeling better now xxx

  23. this is gorgeous!!! Love the C&S look, your colouring is just amazing!!!! Hugs Juls
