
Wednesday 22 September 2010

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday....

Last week I joined in with WOYWW for the first time, but I was a bit of a wuss and didn't show the worst of it, so most people seemed to think I'm quite tidy.... I'm going to shatter those illusions today!  The first pic is my workdesk that I showed last week - think I need to clear some space so I can actually use it today.

The next pic is of the area generally known as 'the overspill'....

It's shameful isn't it?  I do clear it quite often, but it doesn't take long for it to end up like this again!

From another angle, and you can see where I do my die cutting too.  I'm not (and probably never will be!) ready to show the floor or the other side of the craft room though lol!

We're off to a play centre tonight as my eldest has been invited to a party... I'll not get to talk to anyone though, I'll spend the whole time 'herding' my little one who will want to play in the 'big kids' area with everyone else.  I need to make a tag to go on the present too, I forgot about that.  And hopefully get some more preparation done for the craft shop demo I'm doing on the 2nd Oct... I've never done one before and I'm soooo nervous!  I'm not the most confident person and when they asked me I was so close to turning it down, but finally managed to talk myself into it - fingers crossed it won't be a total disaster!


  1. What a lovely tidy desk - thanks for sharing with us - lv Liz (24)

  2. I'm so proud of you! You ARE normal! x

  3. I love your space, it's not shameful at all, but lovely and busy. (19)

  4. Lisa
    so glad you put new pics of your desk this week. Last week it was way to tidy!!!!!!
    Love the winter paper on your desk
    Sarah X

  5. Hi ya hun
    lol now thats what i call a creative desk, luv all the stash on it, luv the card,have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x (3)

  6. hey Lisa, thats much better! Now you look like a proper crafter! Im sure theres a mathematical equation somewhere that states: the more crafting mess, the better the result!

    Have a good week
    Keryn x

  7. Hey, don't be nervous about the demo. Crafters are the most friendly people in the world.
    Luv Joanne xx

  8. I love the overspill area, it makes me feel right at, great picutres Lisa!

  9. Lovely craft mess going on there and a fab card too. Err floors... I'm' with you on that one, they are best left unphotographed - not sure I could show my floor anyhow as most if it's covered up with "stuff" [big grin]

  10. Hi Lisa, that looks more lived in, though Im not sure youve enough room anyway.
    Youll be find with the shop tutoring so stop worrying, and enjoy your evening with the boys. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxx

  11. A very productive looking desk, love those blue hanging baskets. You'll be fine with your demo hun, just enjoy it.
    Have a great day.
    Suzi x #95

  12. Great workspace! I love the hanging bucket things! Good luck at your craft show! Have a great day! ~ Katie(91)

  13. There's nowt wrong with a messy work desk ;) it's just the result of a very productive craft sesh!lol
    Good luck with the demo day i'm sure you'll be fab :)
    hugs amanda xx

  14. That looks like a fun place to be :)

    Sarah (57)

  15. Need to do a WOYWF(floor) as everyone uses it...lots going on on your desk..Happy WOYWW
    Sarah #5

  16. Ah the overspill - know it well - LOL. Your desk looks lovely and creative anyway. Good luck for your craft shop demo.

    Sherry (103)

  17. Love your creative space. Thanks for sharing.

    Maggie #96


  18. A messy desk shows it is used, or so I tell myself when mine is messy. Thanks for the peek. You will do well with your project I am sure. #98

  19. I love it x it screams "FUN" and "Good times crafting" to me you carry on x Leigh x

  20. LOl, I agree with you! You clean up your desk and it looks great. Then start another project and when you're done, you wonder if you ever actually cleaned up your desk at all! lol, someitmes i think 'why even bother?'
    You'll do great at the demo! ;) thanks for the peek and your kind comment.
    Karla #4

  21. Hi there, so glad you shared your mess, so much creativity going on there. Whats the point of tidying it up, you will only make it 'creative' again, lol! Have a super week, hugs Heidi xx

  22. have fun at the play centre......the big area is always the best as my grandson always wants to play there
    hugs from Daniele (29)

  23. Overspills, everyone has got them. It is where the best ideas come from!
    Have fun
    Sue xx 8

  24. a normal workspace! love the hangy things x

  25. Sweetie, you are going to ROCK your demonstration. I'm nervous about these kind of things too, but you are uber talented, just pretend you're chatting on your blog! Your desk looks so tidy BTW! (You've not seem mine, I'm too embarrassed to WOYWDW at the mo!)

  26. Nice desk and those buckets on the wall look so handy!

  27. Spillover area? Too funny. You do have a lot of stuff. I suspect it's what keeps you inspired. Glad to see you came back to us, too. Happy WOYWW from #2.

  28. love all your heaped up stuff and hanging pots, I need hanging pots!! Have a Happy WOYWW!
    ((Lyn)) #40

  29. You've obviously a very busy crafter so have every excuse for a messy desk :-)
    A x

  30. Aha! Now we know the truth! Doesn't take long to root it out on here!

    Brenda (88)

  31. I see a lovely busy area full of creativity and everything close at hand :D. TFS (75)

  32. Did you get that bar above your desk and the cups hanging off it from IKEA? I must have one.. PINK Big Shot!!! Awesome!

  33. Love those papers you have on your desk

  34. Great creative desk there - you work just like me! Have fun on the 2nd you will be fine after the first few minutes so just relax and enjoy yourself! Thanks for sharing - Sunshine Girl (28)

  35. I love it - and you made me smile. Takes courage to show a mess sometimes doesn't it. I have those tubs from the "Svedish company" hanging in my room - great aren't they. #45

  36. Ah, now I feel at home and less intimidated by you! Well done and thanks for showing the real you! I heard a speech by Stacy Julian of Big Picture Scrapbooking once - she said 'think the power of the THIRD thought when asked to do something new: 1 - I can't. 2 - I might be able to. 3. I can..I will/I wish I will be fine - remember, everyone just wants to chat and share ideas!

  37. I thought you said you were showing the worst of it????

    In crafting there is no mess just creativity!

    Hugs Candace

  38. Well done on being brave and showing us all your lovely creativeness!

    A.xx (38)
