
Saturday 4 September 2010

New home for my mum

This one is for my mum and her fiance Andrew, who moved into their new house yesterday... finally!  They've been trying to sell my mum's house for 2 years!  It has sold several times and then something always happened and the sale would fall through.  Mum was ready to take it off the market because she'd had enough, but she got another buyer and everything went through this time, very slowly but they got there in the end!  I feel a bit sad about it really, as I grew up in that house, and it's a big part of my memories of my dad (who died nearly 10 years ago)... I'm happy for my mum though, I'm glad she's found someone and isn't alone.

Anyway.... onto my card...  The cute house image is from Digistamp Boutique and is available here.  I've coloured this one entirely with my koh-i-noor pencils, blended with sansador - not a promarker in sight.  I'm not happy with it though!  The sky in particular looks awful - I just can't seem to blend the blue properly, possibly it's the card that I'm using but it seems odd that all the others blend fine but the blue still looks very 'pencilly' (yes, I know that's not a real word!).  I've followed the sketch at Friday Sketchers - I took one look at it, and thought 'no way!!!', but then I decided to challenge myself... I find sketches with loads of layers a bit daunting due to my urge to mat and layer everything - I've resisted that this time though.  The papers are from the K&Co Brenda Pinnick 'boy' pad.  Added some raffia lace, a felt flower with a Papermania button centre, Doodlebug letter tiles - and then because I didn't have an 'o' tile, I used a button with a heart pearl centre instead, and added an extra pearl heart on the house door.

I'm entering my card for the following challenges:


  1. hi,

    lovely card, your mom will love it.

    i have left a little something for you on my blog.

    missy x

  2. AWW!! This is just precious girl!! I love it!!! Love the pretty coloring!! Happy weekend!! :)

  3. Gorgeous card. Love the stamp.

  4. Oh love this Lisa! Fabulous image, love the cat on the roof :) Beautifully coloured, fab colours, great layout and cute flower too!
    Good luck to your Mum and fiance in their new home.

  5. Your card is beautiful Lisa. I"m sure she will love it. Feel for your mum. We have also just lost a house on exchange. Took a year to sell ours so we've taken it off the market and am going to do it up next year. New kitchen and extension hopefully!

  6. This is lovely! Great colouring is it all pencil? (in answer to your question yes mine was all pencil) Fab image too, bet your mum and her fiance love it!
    Hope you are having a good weekend
    Linds x

  7. Hi Lisa, Im sure your mum was thrilled to receive your card and your best and kind wishes for her future. I do so hope she has a wonderful future with her new partner. With love and hugs Shirleyxx

  8. This is just beautiful - love the image and your coloring is stunning - I wouldn't have guessed it was all pencils. Amazing! The cute letters are the perfect touch. Thanks for playing along with the OCC!

  9. Hi Lisa,Great card for your Mum, hope she will be happy in her new home.xx

  10. Hi Lisa
    aww gorgeous card, wishing your mum all the best, sue,x

  11. Hi Lisa
    Stunning card - you are way too hard on yourself - it's beautifully ooloured!!
    I love the letter tiles too.
    Thanks for joining in my New Beginnings challenge at Allsorts this week.
    Good luck.
    Debs xx

  12. fanatstic card lisa.the image is fab and i love your colouring :)

    xx coops xx

  13. Brilliant card I love everything about it, Im sure your Mum will too. Mary x

  14. I know what you mean about sketches with lots of layers, it scares me having to get too many papers to look pretty together! I also know what you mean about not being happy with something on your card. The sky looks great to me, but it doesn't matter what I say if you're not happy with it! ;) I think the whole card is delish. xxx
    P.S. Don't worry about the package, there is no rush this end.

  15. Gorgeous card Lisa, and I think your colouring is beautiful!
    Good luck to your mum and fiance, hope they are very happy in their new home x

    Susie xx

  16. Hi Lisa, wow what a perfect card for your Mum and her fiance. What you wrote was so lovely, I hope they will be very happy in their new home, hugs Heidi xx

  17. Love your card Lisa! Fab image. Lovely colour combo too! xx Jenny xx

  18. This is wonderful Lisa! Love that image! Great card!

    Hugs, Kelly

  19. Great card! Love the papers and your colouring is fab! Love 'n' hugs, Mel xx

  20. Glad to hear your Moms all sorted now, I felt the same as you when my Mom sold her house where I grew up but it was such a huge house, as she's getting worse from her back prob's she didn't have a choice, had to move to a bungerlow...

    Love this card, you worry too much, you could make anything look beautiful, you have a natural knack...

  21. Lovely card Lisa. Love that image and how you've coloured it. Your Mum will love it.

    Kat xx

  22. Have left something on my blog for you. Mary x

  23. Lovely card. I hope your mom will be very happy in her new home.

  24. Hi Lisa

    A lovely new home card, you Mum will love it.

    Thank you for joining us at Allsorts challenge this week and good luck.

    B x

  25. This is lovely Lisa.
    Hugs, Fae xxx
