
Thursday 16 September 2010

Girly 21st - very pink!

My mum's fiance asked me to make this card for his daughter, and my mum chose the image and colours based on a card I made a while ago that she liked.  I think the pink ran away with me a little though, as it turned out quite bright!

The image is from Stitchy Stamps, coloured with promarkers, with some shading added with koh-i-noor pencils blended with sansador.  Then lots of lovely glamour dust all over her wings :o)  I've used coredinations card embossed with various embossing folders and sanded it all back to rough it up a bit.  Used plain & scalloped ovals and blossom nesties.  The tag was cut with the smallest die from this set from Little Claire, oh I do love these tags!  I inked around the tag with distress ink but I'm not keen on that bit... doesn't look quite right... I added a few little flowers to distract from the ink a bit!  The flowers are all punched with x-cut punches, with viva pearl centres - still haven't got the hang of this stuff... why does everyone else's 'pearls' look nicely rounded and mine go all pointy and odd looking?  Anyway... used a MS doily lace punch that you can just see behind the embossed panels, added some lace.  For the easel stopper I used some MME flower buttons, then added some card candy to finish it off.  Oh, numbers were cut with the Sizzix 'night & day' alphabet.

I'm entering my card for the following challenges:


  1. Wow Lisa def girly loving all the pink, gorgeous card, i hav had that image for ages and never used it yet.
    Chris x

  2. Such a beautiful card Lisa! Luv all the pink. Isn't that image gorgeous and you've coloured her in so beautifully. Lotsa luv xxxx

  3. Hiya Lisa. What a fantastic creation. This is so wonderful. I LOVE IT. Happy crafting.
    With love, Sandra xx

  4. Oh wow, this is a beautiful Easel Card. Love it!

    Thanks for joining us over at Pear Tree Designs Challenge Blog.

    Good luck.

    Lou x

  5. Hi Lisa this is a wonderful 21st Birthday card! I love the great colours you have used!
    Hugs Lynsey x

  6. love the hot pink colours and a beautiful easel card. thanks for joing us @ PTD. good luck in all those challenges. x

  7. Oh wow, what a gorgeous card :)
    Jackie xx

  8. Pretty card! Love the color combo! Thanks for playing along with my flutter by challenge!

  9. gorgeous card! love that hot pink and beautifully coloured x

  10. Love it! You can NEVER have enough pink! Love the distressing, go you! And the colouring of the image is beautiful. I have the same problem with pointy pearls. I am going to try standin the bottle in hot water before I use it next time to see if that will loosen the liquid and make rounder pearl. Knowing my luck it will probably do nowt!
    Linds x

  11. Its gorgeous Lisa, bet she will love it. I also have the same trouble with the Viva Pens but sometimes find holding at an angle rather than a down position can help as is not layering on top so much!

  12. Hi ya Lisa
    gorgeous card, luv the colour combo,great design, luv the lace, sue,.x

  13. Hi Lisa, this is gorgeous hun, love the pink and you can never have enough ot to much lol, great colouring hun, sorry don't know about these pens never even heard of them lol, hugs Liz xx

  14. What a lovely card!

    Thanks for joining us at PTD and good luck

    Donna xx

  15. Just catching up with all your lovely work. Love the Josh images, really cute cards and this is VERY PINK. It certainly screams girly, lovely. Looks great with the black. Marianne x

  16. stunning card the colour combo and fab embellishments. Thanks for joining us at Paper Sundaes this week.


  17. Eye popping card Lisa! Love those bright colors and the easel LO is perfect. Samantha is going to love it. Thanks so much for joining us at For Fun this week. "Hug" Carol

  18. Stunning card Lisa....I love the colour combo and that image is fab!! Thank you for joining us at Pear Tree Designs this week xx

  19. wow gorgeous card lisa.the image is stunning and i really love the hot pink and black colour combo - fabulous :)

    xx coops xx

  20. Such a lovely card Lisa. Thank you for all your effort and for joining us this week at TG
    Love Sarah x

  21. OMG adorable lisa! Your blog looks fabby too!


  22. WOW I luv it! what a stunning card...luv the lush colour combo & fab layout xx Lizzy xx :)

  23. Gorgeous - love the colour combination.

    Helen x

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. Gorgeous card. Absolutely love the colours! And the embossing is fab. Love 'n' hugs, Mel xx

  26. Hi Lisa, wow vibrant colours youve used, and I love the image shes gorgeous. Stunning card, with love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxx

  27. oh wow! stunning! Gorgeous coloring and great color combo! Love the glittery wings too!
    Thanks for joining us at Paper Sundaes this week!

  28. Wow what a gorgeous card!!! Love the great colours and the sweet image. Thanks so much for joining our challenge at Bunny Zoe´s Crafts :o)

  29. beautiful card, the image is great, i love her sparkely wings, love the black with the pink

    Jenny :)

  30. Beautiful card Lisa, Super girly colour choice. Thanks for joining us at Magical Mondays.

  31. Love the deep,rich pink teamed with the black.A beautiful and striking card.Thanks for joining us at Pear Tree Designs :D
    Lisa x

  32. fabulous card with this funky fairy! thanks for joining us at Magical Mondays.
    hugs, annie x

  33. Pretty card! Thanks for taking part in the CYDA challenge xx

  34. This is so pretty honey in gorgeous colours, thank you for joining us at Magical Monday hugs Pops x xx

  35. Lovely card, the embossed panels are fab. Thanks for joining us at ABC challenge. Sue C x

  36. I love it! Love love love pink and that image x

  37. Beautiful card, Lisa! Thanks so much for sharing it with us at For Fun Challenges.

  38. Love the dramatic colour combo, fabulous. Thanks for joining us at Crafts and Me. Hugs Tracy x
