
Tuesday 24 August 2010

A thank you and an apology

I just wanted to say a huge thank you to those of you who've given me awards over the last few days - there have been quite a few of you and it's so lovely of you all.  Unfortunately due to the yucky school holidays, I'm hardly getting any time to myself either to create or get near the computer... and when I do get some peace I'm so frazzled by the constant noise that I can't create a thing and just want to sit quietly!  So sorry I haven't managed to do anything with my awards.

I do appreciate you all and will try to have a little hop around later so I can see what you've all been creating while my mojo's hiding from the children :o)


  1. I feel your pain sweetie!! :) HUGS

  2. Yep, i'm soooooo feeling that pain too! x

  3. Just do a "group" award thing and save yourself a lot of time, rather than doing them all seperate.offer them to all followers or something rules are there to be broken in times of stress,lol.

  4. Know how you feel hun, counting the days now!

  5. Hi Lisa, think us mums are all feeling the strain now. Bet the next week flies past and before we know it, it'll be winter coats and scarfs. Roll on spring!!! lol

  6. I've just had a good long visit with you lol! I really must come by more often. Your cards are such great quality!!! I've gotten lots of inspiration from thanks : )

    So sorry that you are feeling the pressure with the kids. I remember well those days! My two 'boys' are now 23 and 22. Although they are still at home, they do live their own lives and gone are the days of snuggling up and reading together :( whaaaaaa!!! BUT, God replaces the void with more of Himself and other things like making cards and blogging - yay!!!!

    I'll be praying for ya, my friend ♥

    Love and hugs ~

  7. Hi hun, just added another award for you to collect on my blog x
