
Tuesday 31 August 2010

Candy Time!

I checked today to see when I first started blogging, and realised it was just over a year ago - definitely time for some candy!  For now it's a mystery one, partly because I haven't bought any yet lol, but also because I thought it might be good to keep it a mystery... let me know what you think!

I would like this to be for followers only this time, just to say how much I appreciate you all for sticking with me and leaving me such lovely comments, when I don't always have the time to visit all of you.  Of course, you are welcome to become a follower and enter the draw if you'd like to, but please only do this if you think you might like to follow me anyway.  It's a bit depressing seeing followers disappear when the candy ends!

So the only rules are that you must be a follower already, or become one, and add a link to my candy on your blog.  Please leave a link to your blog below.  The candy will end on 31st Aug, so there's plenty of time to enter and for me to gather candy :o)

The first reveal pic - Christmas goodies :o)

  • Dovecraft 'Christmas Fancy' 6x6 paper pack (looks lovely, I bought one for me too!)

  • LOTV 'Christmas Ted - Balancing Act' stamp

  • Craftwork Cards 'Candy Cane' card candy

  • Glamour Dust (essential sparkle!)
Another reveal pic....


  • Papermania Capsule Collection A5 paper pad in green
  • Bildmalarna stamp - Little Mimosa
  • Craftwork Cards 'snowballs' card candy (leave them white or colour them with copics or promarkers)
  • Papermania 'mosaics' gems
  • Lots of lace - various colours and styles
I'm also going to put together a bundle of lace as a 2nd prize.

And for an extra prize....

3 digistamps from Di's Digi Downloads - Penguin Christmas Tree,  Hoppy Bunny and Off Puttin'

So that's 3 winners altogether :o)


  1. Congratulations with 1st Blogoversary! )))

  2. Congrats on your blogiversary!

    You do your blog candy just as you wish!
    Whatever you decide will be perfect for your crafting followers!

    Have fun gathering it, I really enjoyed that part of it when I did my 1st one!

    Keryn x

  3. Hiya Lisa. Congratulations on your 1st Blogoversary. I have added the info and picture to my sidebar and left a link also. Hope this is right.
    Happy crafting.
    With love, Sandra xxx

  4. Happy Blogaversary! I love a mystery and thanks for the operunity to enter!
    Linds xx

  5. Happy Anniversary. Thanks for the chance to Win. Mary x

  6. Hi Lisa
    congratulations on your blogaversary hun, oh sprise candy, how exciting,will linki it to me sidebar hun, all crossed here, thanks for the chance, sue,x

  7. Congrats on your blogaversary Lisa. I've been blogging since June last year and I keep meaning to do a candy. The problem is taking a photo of the candy! Maybe I should do an anonymous parcel pic too till I get round to sorting it out properly!

    Kat xx

  8. Congratulations on your blogerversary!! I've out a link to your blog in my side bar!!

    Susie xx

  9. Congratulations and Happy Blogaversary Lisa. Thanks for the chance to win. you're linked on my sidebar.

  10. Woohoo Lisa, I love that it's a mystery, keep it a!

  11. Congrats on your 1st blogaversay, Lisa! I'm already gathering stuff for mine in

  12. Happy !st birthday may you have many more.

  13. Happy blogaversary! I've put a link on my sidebar. Love 'n' hugs, Mel xx

  14. Happy blogaversary Lisa.....linked you on my sidebar!..enjoy your Sunday!
    xxx Margreet

  15. happy blogaversary lisa.thanks for the chance to win your surprise to link you up.have a great sunday :)

    xx coops xx

  16. Happy Blogaversary to you Lisa. I love mysteries. I also agree about followers leaving after a candy - even after asking people only to follow if they were going to stay for my last candy I lost 3 followers.
    Love your blog hun.

    Hugs Ali x

  17. Happy Blogoversary!I have posted your candy pic on my sidebar, and now have to keep fingers and toes crossed for a month!! What a great prize this would be

  18. Congratulations and good luck everyone x

  19. Hi Lisa, been so long since I visited. Glad you had a good hol and well done on the Little Claire DT! Would love to join in candy and will pop over more often. Cards are fab as always, love Sarah x

  20. Thanks for the chance to win, I love a surprise. I'm a new follower. Your work is lovely and I've added you to my blogs I like to visit as I definitely want to come back and see your work. See you are on Little Claire DT, love their images. Your photos look so lovely and big, what template do you use? Marianne x

  21. Wonderfull idea - and keep on making nice cards - best regards from Belgium

  22. Thanks for the chance to win some great candy. I like surprises too
    Love sarah x

  23. Hi Lisa
    Happy Blogaversary, I have one going mine is a mystery because I havent got it all yet, its really up to you.
    Christine x

  24. Happy Blogaversary! sono una tua "vecchia" follower e sono felice di esserlo e anche di questa bella sorpresa, spero di vincere
    saluti dall'italia

  25. Happy anniversary!! :) Thanks for the opportunity! I linked your candy in my left sidebar.
    XO, Anna
    nocidicoccole (at) gmail (dot) com

  26. Hi Lisa
    Happy Blogaversary!!!Thanks for the chance to win. I loooove surprises.

  27. Hi Lisa, thanks for the chance to win. I'm already a follower and have added my link and put a link to your candy in my sidebar.

    Lynn x

  28. Congratulations on your blogoversary. What a kind gesture, have been a follower for a while now, thank you for the oppertunity to win some lovlieness. I'm spreading the word.
    Sally. x

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. I love surprises! And I love LOTV stamps, so the first reveal pic is really mouth watering!
    I have put a link to your candy in my sidebar...

  31. What a great opportunity ! Love this candy. Congratulations with your anniversary ! My blog is fresh, feel free to visit and leave a comment if you like to
    Have a great day !

  32. Hi Lisa, thanks for the chance to win your gorgeous candy, off to post your candy on my sidebar, congrats on your blogaversary too,hope your having fun, hugs Liz xx

  33. Congratulations on blogging for a year or so.
    I have not been blogging long, but i must say it's fun & i love looking at others work, so inspirational.

  34. Sorry....I added my comment BEFORE linking!!

  35. Hi Lisa Happy blogiversary :D Thank you so much for the chance to win.


    Amy xx

  36. Hi Lisa,

    Congratulations on your blogiversary, i have put a link in my side bar.

    missyb x

  37. hi have just found your blog through someone elses blog you make some georgous cards...have added you to my fav's bar...congrats on your blog aniversary....keep up the good work...feel free to visit my blog.....

  38. Thank you and congrats ! your candy in my right sidebar.

  39. Hi!
    I'm a new follower... congrats for your first year.
    Thanks for the chance, I hope to win :)

    Have a great crafting day!

  40. Happy Blogaversary Lisa!! :) Thanks for the opportunity to win your mystery candy, I do like suprises! I linked your candy in my left sidebar.
    I'm happy to follow your inspirational site.

  41. congrats to your blogaversary! i like your cards and your style very much and hope that i will have as much energy and creativity as you have to create stuff for more than a year!
    thanks a lot for the chance to win this awesome candy!
    x Leyla

  42. Congratulations and good luck everyone

    Thanks for the chance to win.....:)

    Greetz Thea fron Holland

  43. Happy blogaversary! Thanks for the lovely candy offer. Been a long time follower and still love your creations.

  44. Happy Blogaverery, congrats!! I am happy to follow, thanks for the chance to win

  45. Congratulations on your blogerversary!! I've out a link to your blog in my side bar!! Hugs Viktoria

  46. Hello there,
    for some reason my name on the link has a red x next to it....have i done something wrong?

    sallysbitz xx

  47. Congrats on the blogoversary xx thanks for the chance to win some candy xx

  48. Hi Lisa I'm a new follower but I love your cards. I had to go through and check out your work before I could commit to becoming a follower, sorry I don't follow if I don't like what I see.
    I have you all linked up on my blog and I would like to thank you for the chance at your fab prizes.

  49. Parabens pelo blog e pelos filhos lindos,qualquer doce e uma alegria,mas natal e uma otima ideia,beijos

  50. Thanks for the chance to win, I LOVE surprises, and for your sweet comment at my blog!
    Hugs Annelie

  51. Hi Lisa,

    Congratulations of blogging for 1 year! May you continue to share the inspiration with us.

    Thanks for the candy and I love surprises.

    Best wishes,
    Evelyn @ Message Keeper

  52. Happy Birthday!
    Thanks for the great chanse to win this candy!

  53. have nominated you for an award on my blog x

  54. happy blogaversary =), and thanks for the chance to win this super candy , I ll put a link in my sidebar now =)

  55. Hi Lisa ~ Hope all is well with you!!! It's been awhile since I've come to visit...

    I see that you are celebrating your blogoversary :) Oh what a happy day! I rejoice with you!!!

    Thanks for letting us play for this mouth watering candy...

    Lots and lots of love ~

  56. Hi Lisa,
    happy belated Blogiversary :o)
    I am glad, I am a little late, since the Candy isn't too much of a secret anymore *haha*
    XX Kathi

  57. Thanks to the chance to win your "mystery" thats not a mystery any more candy...congratulations on your blogaversary...hugs Jackie xx

  58. Dear Lisa

    Thank you for the chance to win your awesome candy! IT's not such a mystery any more and it is going to be a wonderful gift to one of your lucky followers!

    Speaking of which, I'm so glad I discovered your blog - you are so very talented! I love your beautiful cards and am happy to follow you, candy or not!

    I'd be delighted if you visited me at Create With Joy when you have a moment - perhaps you'd like to join my family of Kindred Spirits as well!


  59. thanks for giving us the chance to win some fabby candy - i've tried to become a follower, but it won't let me ??, have added you to my list of favourites, Luv Sam x

  60. Congrats on your blogaversary. I have had a lovely time exploring your blog. You have some wonderful projects.

    I have become a follower, and look forward to learning more from you.

    I have added your candy pic to my sidebar and linked back.

    Thanks so much for your generosity, and for inviting us to join in the celebrations.

  61. Lisa,Happy Birthday!!!!
    Thanks for the chance!

  62. What happened to keeping it a secret? lol
    I'll keep me fingers crossed Lisa:)
    Anne x

  63. Thanks for the chance to win

  64. this is amazing thank you so much for doing this,


  65. Lisa - your work is always inspirational - and I have enjoyed visiting you blog - Happy Blogaversary :)
