
Monday 14 June 2010

Crafty Cardmakers 23

It's time for a new challenge at Crafty Cardmakers and this fortnight we'd like to see your 'cards for men'. This one was easy peasy for me as all I'm making at the moment is male cards, so I had lots to choose from... actually I lost my ability to choose and sent a load to Vix for her to choose for me lol :o)

Both of my cards have been made for orders, for customers with quite different requirements. The first wanted the 'daddy's little princess' message, with a baby girl image, the second just doesn't do 'cute', so I always have to leave my comfort zone a bit when I make cards for her.

I've used a Mo Manning image for my first card, coloured with promarkers. The papers are MME, with coredinations cardstock. The 'princess' sentiment is a digi one from Create with TLC, the circle one was a freebie from The Creative Cottage. Raffia lace from my stash. For the second card I've used another freebie circle sentiment from The Creative Cottage, nestie stars, coredinations cardstock (and some dark brown cardstock from my stash) sanded back. The 'dad' paper is a download from Summer Driggs.

I'm also entering my cards for the following challenges:


  1. Hi Lisa,
    These cards are gorgeous.
    Your customers will be so pleased.
    Wishing you a beautiful day.

  2. Hi Lisa, two fabulous cards, both of them are absolutely stunning and the work beautiful. With love and hugs Shirleyxxx

  3. Hi Lisa
    wow hun two gorgeous cards, luv the mo manning image, lovely papers & layout,stunning creations hun, sue,x

  4. You are just crankin' out the great cards Lisa, way to go!

  5. 2 gorgeous cards hun... fab colours & layouts on both ...luv the Mo Manning cutie xx Lizzy xx :)

  6. These are gorgeous cards Lisa. I do love the first one, so sweet!

  7. These are both gorgeous cards Lisa. That first image is just so sweet. Love it.

    Kat xx

  8. Both stunning cards hun - just adore the first one, so cute, and the second is so "male"! Brilliant. Hugs, Sxx

  9. OMG your cards are so beautiful!!! I purchased that Mo image last week and now I want to use it after seeing your GORGEOUS card!! Love it!!

  10. I love this image.. what a fab job you did. Thanks for such inspiration. Peggy x

  11. Wonderful, adorable cards Lisa.

  12. Love both of your cards. Just love the images image. Thanks for playing with us at Cards for Men. Good luck on the Challenge.

  13. Your cards are wonderful!
    An adorable image and so beautiful colors.
    Thanks for joining us this week at Stampavie and More.
    Anne :)

  14. Oh Lisa these are stunning I adore them both they are so beautifully designed and the image on the first one is gorgeous.
    Lorraine x
