
Friday 25 June 2010

Catching up

Ok, I'm officially completely confused - can't get photos to list in any particular order and getting very frustrated.  I'm sure it's just me lol.  I'm also being a rubbish blogger this week, and even though I've made loads of cards I've not got round to blogging them.  It's the heat I think, it makes me lazy.... it's been sooo hot today and it's supposed to be even hotter tomorrow.  Anyway, I thought I'd add some of the cards I've made this week.

The first cards are all for an order - they're teacher thank you cards and are very similar to some I've made before (as requested by my customer).  I've used a cute little girl image from Digistamp Boutique, coloured with promarkers.  The papers are from the Pink Petticoat gingham download, printed onto linen card.  Mounted the images on little doilies from Joanna Sheen and added computer generated sentiments.  Simple :o)

This one is my hubby's Father's Day card from the boys, that I forgot to put on my blog before Father's Day - I followed the sketch at Delightful Sketches and missed entering the challenge there too, oops!  The image is another cutie from Digistamp Boutique, again coloured with promarkers.  The papers are Cosmo Cricket with red cardstock from my stash and a freebie sentiment from The Creative Cottage.  Added some Papermania sticky dot thingies (can't remember their real name lol), they're actually bright red and yellow but the colours aren't showing up well.  The spotty ribbon is one that my 7yr old son insisted we HAD to buy the last time he was in a craft shop with me... well how could I refuse?

Promarkers colours used:
  • Monkeys - vanilla, tan, coral (cheeks), sunkissed pink (ears)
  • Tops - sunflower yellow, tea green + soft green
  • Present - tulip yellow, sunflower yellow, gold, poppy, shale
  • Outline - cool aqua + blender
  • Ground - cool grey 1, 2 + 4 & blender
I'm entering my cards for the following challenges:


  1. What lovely cards lisa, i love the simple design of the gingham ones and i deffo need some of those doilies. The fathers day one is nice and bright , great layout and happy image . Di.x

  2. Awww how pretty are those teacher cards :) I luv em! Luv the fathers day card too hun it's gorgeous ...fab image & great dp's...luv the layout too xx Lizzy xx :)

  3. so sweet... can see how she would love them! Thanks so much for playing with us again at My Partner in Crafting Crime, Robin

  4. Beautiful cards Lisa,
    Sue x

  5. These are all fantastic. What a fab idea for the cards at the top. I need some cards for teachers, lol. Thanks so much for joining in at Crafty Catz this week
    Suzanne x

  6. I love those "teacher" cards Lisa. The gingham and the doilies make them really pretty. And that Father's Day card is so cute, that image just makes me smile.

    Kat xx

  7. Hi Lisa
    Your cards are all gorgeous,thankyou for joining us at CraftyCatz,
    Hugs Dianne xx

  8. Hi lisa I havent tried the new blogger sticking with the old one for now still trying to upload on docrafts more than 1. Lovely set of cards and thanks for joining us at crafty catz

  9. Wow Lisa you really have been busy hun, i know what you mean about the heat draining you we've been sorting our garden out so that its easier for mil to get out there by the time i'm finished out there i'm to tired to make any cards lol, gorgeous cards though. Thanks for joining us at Craftalicious for our challenge this week. luv gina xx

  10. Fab set of cards Lisa,i love those cute monkeys.
    Thanx for joining us at Crafty Catz this week.
    Trish (-:

  11. wow fantastic cards,the teachers cards are great, i love the doilys and great fathers day cards.the image is fab and i love the colours.luv coops.xx

  12. Great cards! Love the sketch on the father's day card. Thanks for joining us at Pile It On.

  13. Hi Lisa
    wow hun you have been busy, gorgeous set of cards hun, sue,x

  14. Crikey! So many cards! When do you get time to eat and sleep lol! Thay are gorgeous, i should really start doing my teacher cards soon but i'm so behind with other orders and there aren't enough hours in the day. Fab colouring as always, now, what reds do you use? I could do with a few more! Great card! Thanks for joining us at Crafty Catz this week xx
    ps you are very brave driving all the way to Cornwall with the kids. I hear Yorkshire is very nice this time of year!

  15. Hi Lisa, fabulous thank you cards, and your monkey card is gorgeous, Im sure they will all be received with love and hugs. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxx

  16. wonderful job on all of the creations, thanks so much for playing along with us at PIO!!!

  17. Hi Lisa, what stunning cards. You've coloured the images perfectly and the papers are stunning. I love the clean and simple layout on the thank you cards (and I love gingham). Thanks for joining in with our monthly challenge over at DSB. Hugs, Denise x

  18. Lovely set of cards!
    Thank you for playing with us at "PIO"!
    hugs Nana

  19. What gorgeous cards for a teacher I'm sure they will all be loved. Great Father's Day card too.

    Hugs Ali x

  20. Yikes! Everytime I stop by at yours I need to go and buy stuff. You are soo bad for me! ;) These are all wonderful cards, but yours always are. Thanks for playing at Charisma. x

  21. Fab those cheeky monkeys!
    Thanks for joining us at Pile It On!
    Helen x

  22. How utterly sweet, gorgeous and them!...and linked them for all to see....Sally-Ann..xx (PS - thanks for joining in the DSB comp too)

  23. These card are all stunning Lisa! I'm always missing the deadline with sketches too lol


  24. Fabulous cards, I love the ones done for teacher, really sweet

    Thanks so much for joining in with our challenge at Craftalicious and best of luck

    Jan x
