
Thursday 18 March 2010

Fairy Fun Fridays week 11

Time for another Fairy Fun Fridays challenge and this week it's 'complimentary colours' - I chose blue and orange. It's a bit easier than last week's challenge, so hopefully lots of you will join in :o)

I've used this gorgeous Lenny lion image - one of my favourite Prairie Fairy images, but somehow I can never quite do him justice with my colouring - I'm going to keep trying until I'm completely happy though! The papers are DCWV, with some shimmery orange cardstock from my stash. Nestie plain circles and Nellie circle frame dies used to cut out and frame the image. Raffia lace from Bunny Zoes, Papermania buttons, Doodlebug letter tiles and a Craftwork Cards sentiment.

I'm also entering my card for the following challenges:

Some of you might remember me posting last year about my MIL's breast cancer returning... well everything seemed to have been treated ok until earlier this week when they discovered yet another lump - this time the cancer has spread to her lymph glands and they have to operate next Tuesday. I'm so worried, my MIL is a lovely woman and she's so good to us and adores the boys. The thought that she might not be around to see them grow up is awful. I cried most of last night and hardly slept at all, but today have tried to pull myself together and get a bit more positive - she is Pav's mum after all, not mine, and he's going to need me to be there for him. Please keep her in your thoughts.


  1. Ka-utie-patootie! Love it Lisa!


  2. Lisa, this card rocks, and I ain't lion!!!!

  3. ADORABLE! What material is that behind the lion- looking like a fence?!

  4. Gorgeous card babes, nearly made me spit my coffee across the room with laughing so much - it was the combination of his little face and the sentiment. And your colouring is superb! I am so sorry to hear about MIL hun, what horrible news. You will all be in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs, Squirrel xx

  5. Oh Lisa this is so darn cute and love the colouring, just beautiful.
    Hugs Linda

  6. Ohh this is fantastic! Fab image & colouring ~ luv the papers & layout is ace xx lizzy xx

  7. Oh this is so adorable, gorgeous card. I hope all goes well for your MIL.

  8. Love this card. That's a lovely lion. I must have him. Never heard of Prairie Fairie's before. I'm going to have to check them out. Prayers for your MIL, bc is a very scary thing. I've lost a couple of people in my life to it. I hope she makes it through okay. HUGS. Thanks so much for joining us at Inspirational Card Sketches this week!!

  9. It's so cute! and I love the fun sentiment!
    so sorry to hear your sad news though.

  10. This is such a sweet fun card I love the colours and you have coloured that image perfectly!

    Amy xx

  11. AWW!! Sweetie, this is just gorgeous!! I adore that adorable lion image!! TEE!! Would make anyone smile!! Thanks for playing along at Charisma this week!! I'm so sorry to hear about your sad news hun!! Sending you BIG HUGS and prayers.

  12. oh what a brilliant card, really love the image and a great layout and colours.luv coops.xx

  13. Gorgeous card,
    Sue x

  14. Wow Lisa, fabulous image and beautifully coloured, its a stunning card. With love and hugs Shirleyxxx

  15. Just adorable, love the image and the design. So nice of you to join us at Creative Inspirations this week. Hugs Suzi xx

  16. Gorgeous card Lisa, love the image & the colours you've used.
    Thanks for joining us at Creative Inspirations
    hugs Mandy xx

  17. I just adore this card Lisa, everything compliment's so well, you did a great job here!!!

    Gorgeous work!!!

    So sorry to here your sad news, I hope everything work's out ok for you. I have been there and had lot's of support from my blogging pal's, I just wish there was something I could say to make you feel better.
    Take care

  18. such a cute birthday card !

    Thanks for joining in the fun with ICS this week !

  19. what a brill card again Lisa, well done, its so lovely.

    sorry to hear about your sad news hun, (((big hugs))) she will be our prayers

    chin up
    judie xx

  20. Love this lion Lisa, really cute card.

    Sorry to hear about your MIL. Will be thinking of you at this difficult time.

    Kat xx

  21. Hi Lisa ~ WONDERFULLY ca-ute!!!

    About your MIL... All things are possible with God. Go see my Thanks a Bunch post - i talk about what He has done! Keeping you and your family in my prayers...
    Love and big hugs ~ Lori

  22. Gorgeous card - great for the kids and even adults

  23. This is gorgeous!!

    Thank you for joining us at Charisma this week - good luck!

