
Friday 19 February 2010

Fairy Fun Fridays & remembering Harvey

Before I get on to my card, I just wanted to take a few minutes to remember my beautiful little boy Harvey, who was born sleeping on 19th Feb 3yrs ago. Mummy & Daddy hope you're having a little party somewhere sweetheart, love and miss you always.

I hope no one minds me putting the poem that was read at Harvey's funeral on here. I have no idea who wrote it, I found it on the internet and it said everything we wanted to say. We have it on a little handmade plaque at home.

O precious, tiny, sweet little one

You will always be to me

So perfect, pure and innocent

Just as you were meant to be

We dreamt of you and of your life

And all that it would be

We waited and longed for you to come

And join our family

We never had the chance to play

To laugh, to rock, to wiggle

We long to hold you, touch you now

And listen to you giggle

I'll always be your mother

He'll always be your dad

You'll always be our child

The child that we had

But now you're gone, but yet you're here

We'll sense you everywhere

You are our sorrow and our joy

There's love in every tear

Just know our love goes deep and strong

We'll forget you never

The child we had but never had

And yet we'll have forever

I'll move on to my card now. It's for this week's Fairy Fun Fridays challenge, which is 'brads & buttons' - I had a stupid moment and had my card nearly made before it dawned on me that I hadn't actually used any brads or buttons, so I quickly added the flowers with button & brad centres! The image was a freebie from Prairie Fairy - I think you can still get this one for free on the Prairie Fairy blog. I've coloured this little cutie in with promarkers & used an inverted corner punch on the corners. The papers are MME, cardstock is DCWV, sentiment is from Craftwork Cards.
I'm also entering my card for the following challenges:


  1. Oh Lisa I love that poem and how wonderful to share the memory of your son with us...I love your card the colours and image are beautiful.

    Lorraine x

  2. That's a beautiful poem - so sorry for the loss of your son.

    Your card is adorable! Love all the layers and how you used the buttons and brads as the flower centers.

  3. Thank you for sharing with us your memory of your son.

    Great job on the card, I love the transparency of the fairy's skirt.

  4. Very beautiful poem, it brought tears to my eyes. I'm very sorry for your loss, thank you for sharing with us on this very important day.

    Your card is wonderful! I love the image and, of course, all the pink!
    Thanks so much for joining us at I ♥ Digi!
    Dee (Spryte)

  5. As I read your story and your poem I am succumbed to tears! So sorry for your loss. Thanks for sharing!
    PS- Love the card and last minute embellys!!
    Take Care.

  6. How beautiful Lisa, I had someone close to me experience the same and it must be such a heartbreaking moment to say goodbye to your child. I am sending you a hug.

    Your card is adorable and LOL about the buttons and brads!

  7. What a beautiful card Lisa, love the image, so cute and the lovely pink background :)

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts about your precious son, sending hugs

    Thanks for joining us at I ♥ Digi this fortnight

    Elaine x

  8. Hi Lisa, I am very touched by the loss of your darling son, your poem is beautiful, thank you for sharing it here with us - we are honoured! Your card is adorable - that image is the cutest..there is something about the shape of it that wins me! Love it! Your colours are perfect and those flowers are just the right touch! Thanks so much for joining us at the Midnight Madness Sketch Challenge this week, it is always a pleasure seeing your cards and we look forward to having you play along next week! {{{hugs}}}
    Linda MMSC Design Team

  9. Oh hun, sending loving hugs. Squirrel xx

  10. Oh Lisa what a beautiful poem (had me in tears) so sorry for your loss.

    Most fabulous card hun.

    Loads of hugs Ali x

  11. so cute! Just love it!! Hugs Juls

  12. sooo beautiful, the card but the poem also
    I can understand your pain, I lost a little tiny one on march 18th 2005. 22 weeks pregnancy, so tiny but so strong, life can be so cruel, but love always win.
    sending you big hugs, and maybe Harvey is playing with my little Catherine somewhere :)

  13. Such a sweet image and cute card too! Thanks for playing along at I Love Digi!

  14. Lisa...I am moved to tears by your poem. I am so sorry your little boy is not here to celebrate this Birthday. We are celebrating my own son's 24th Birthday today. As we blow out the candles I will silently think of you and offer a prayer and reflect upon your poem.

    Thanks for playing along with us at Midnight Madness this week. Your angel was the perfect image for your post. God Bless!

    Bear Hugs,
    Carol :o}
    Midnight Madness Design Team

  15. A lovely poem indeed and a lovely card to compliment too. The image is lovely as is the layout of the card. Thanks for joining in with our first challenge at I LOVE DIGI

  16. Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem with us,
    I too can fully understand your pain, the knowing that they are allways around me keeps me strong.
    Sending love and warm wishes.

    Thanks for joining us at I love Digi this fortnight its a beautiful card.
    hugs Mel x

  17. Hi Lisa what a beautiful poem hunny sending you luv and hugs.

    Your card is gorgeous as always, right i'm off to wipe my tears awy. luv gina xx

  18. Hi Lisa, that was a gorgeous poem, wish Id had it when my 5 month old son died from leukemia, it would have helped.
    Love your card its gorgeous, that image is so cute. With lvoe and hugs Shirleyxxxxxx

  19. Hello Lisa and BIG WARM WELCOME to you sketch challenges. We are just thrilled that you joined in the fun this week. Your card is amazing. Those flower are beautiful and compliment you card so nicely. Your attention to detail is wonderful and makes for a fantastic card. I hope you come back again and play. Thank you so much for joining in the fun this week at the Midnight Madness sketch challenge blog. I wanted to just let you know that the MMSC42 Sneak Peek has been posted. It may look intimidating, but I hope you give it a go and just have fun with it. I will be posting the CAS sketch on Tuesday. I can’t wait to see what you come up with :)
    MMSC Hostess

  20. Thank you for sharing with us the memory of your son and the beautiful poem, it brought a tear to my eye, sorry for your loss.

    Beautiful card lovely detail and the papers and colouring are gorgeous.
    Hugs Linda

  21. Such a beautiful Poem - brought a tear for sure. Hugs

  22. Beautiful poem. It brought a tear to my eye for sure. Your card is beautiful. Hugs

  23. Your poem is lovely, such a great tribute to your sweet boy.

    Gorgeous card, love the fun paper and the adorable image!! Great work!!

  24. Hi Lisa ~ What a beautiful poem!!! Thank you for sharing such an important part of your life with us! I too have lost a son (as well as two other 'babies'). May God's healing hand rest upon your heart and mind, bringing great peace in knowing that your son is in His Hands {heart}

    Oh... and your card is soooooo adorable! AND... I did forget the buttons and brads - lol! I totally messed up!!!

    Much love and big hugs ~ Lori

  25. Thanks for sharing that lovely poem Lisa. It's almost 29 years since my second son was stillborn but I can still remember that day so clearly. You never ever forget them.

    What a lovely card. I love those papers, I'm always using them! And that image is so cute. As for the buttons and brads I've had that sort of moment too.

    Kat xx

  26. Its a hard thing but everyone must feel very privaleged that you shared the memory of Harvey with us. And yes - he is probably partying - and getting the other guests to sit on whoopie cushions! Rx

  27. Bless you hunny and Happy 3rd Angel birthday Harvey x

  28. Oh my goodness girl!! Look at you!! That poem is just awesome!! I love it! Your card is so pretty with that coloring on your image!! It is just wonderful to see you again my friend!! BIG HUGS

  29. Hello, and a BIG Welcome to Midnight Madness, Lisa! Your heartwarming cute cat just makes want to cuddle. Very clean lines and wonderful color choices. Thanks so much for making a treat of a card to show, I sure hope to see more of you in our coming sketches, xox ~Jeni & MMSC DT

  30. Oh how beautiful!! I just love your sweet image and your color combo!!! Beautiful dp!! Such a beautiful take on the sketch! Thanks for playing along with Midnight Madness this week!

  31. Oh that poem is beautiful and so is your card!
    Thanks so much for joining in with my challenge at Digital Tuesday.
    Lora x

  32. Thanks for sharing your story with all of us out here in blog land. Your card is absolutely beautiful! Thanks for joining us at I ♥ Digi

  33. I am loving you card Lisa its so, the backing papers are lovely. Thanks for joining us at I love Digi.

    Your poem is beautiful too x

  34. great card,beautiful poem.
    Thanks for joining us at I ♥ Digi.

  35. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful poem with us and the memory of your son. It has moved me to tears.
    Thank you for joining us for the I love Digi Challenge with your beautiful card.
