
Tuesday 26 January 2010

TGF CHA Relay Day 2 - Charlotte

Well I'm still on track - this one's for the second day of The Greeting Farm relay. I thought I'd use quite a busy paper and keep the image fairly big, so that it would look better as a simple card - I need to be quick with these relay cards, because I've got some DT cards to get done over the next couple of days too.

Today's image is called Charlotte, and I've coloured her with promarkers and added some sakura clear glitter pen for eyeshadow and on her belt buckle - the sparkle doesn't show up in the pic though. I've used my woodware inverted corner punch around the image. I think the paper is Papermania, I've had it ages and never used it - I think I'm putting myself on a paper ban for a few months because I have sooo much of the stuff! The black card is coredinations, sentiment is from Craftwork Cards and finished with some black rainbow drops.

I'm also entering my card for the following challenges:


  1. Hi Lisa, well done you for having a go at the relay...
    I don't think I would be able to...I craft really slow, it can take a couple of day's just to get one done, and then sometimes I have to put it away and go back to it later....

    That's why I was so glad CCM challenge is only once a fortnight... I really envy people like yourself who can manage to do lot's of challenges and make such wonderful consistant creation's.

    I know what you mean about the paper's too, I have ton's that are just sitting waiting to be used.
    Love these card's


  2. Great card Lisa - so very vibrant! Your coloring is perfect! Wish I could have played along with the relay - I missed the first night *sniff*. Enjoy the rest! Thanks so much for joining us over at pile it on!

  3. Hi Lisa, fabulous card, love the image and youve coloured her beautifully, the papers and design is stunning. With love and hugs Shirleyxxx

  4. Hi Lisa, lovely card, she is so cute and sweet.
    Love Kath.

  5. Hi Lisa, lovely card, she is so sweet and cute.
    Kath x

  6. Fabulous card. Thanks for joining us at Charisma Cardz.

  7. Gorgeous, bright and cheerful card. Sarah x

  8. Fabulous card Lisa love the summery feel, wish it would hurry up though lol. luv gina xx

  9. Stunning card with fabulous image and colours.Makes me feel Summery... Thanks for playing with Charisma this week.
    xx Vee

  10. lovely and fruity
    Thanks for joining us at Charisma this week

  11. Beautiful card Lisa, papers are pretty cool!

  12. fantastic card, the image is great and love the bright papers.luv coops.xx

  13. love your Charlotte.....the busy paper suits her!
    xxx Margreet

  14. Oh she's gorgeous!!! Love,love,love these colours!!!

  15. I love the funky feel of this card! That image is gorgeous! Thanks for joining us at Pile It On!

  16. Wonderful card! This little lady looks so cute!

    Thanks for joining us at PIO!

    Hugs Tanja
    (PIO DT)
