
Saturday 5 December 2009

And the candy winner is......

Sarah Well done hun :o)

I ended up using the online random thingy to do the draw. I was planning on getting one of my sons to do the draw, but my eldest is out and my youngest little lazy bum Dex is still in bed - at 10.30am! I'm leaving him for now because I know he must be exhausted from a tough couple of days for the poor little man. He was having his bath before bed on Thursday evening and managed to pull a pot vase/ candle holder down onto himself, which broke and cut his leg open quite badly! Cue much panic from mummy, daddy and older brother! We took him to the children's hospital where he had x-rays and butterfly stitches and is all patched up, but we're all still catching up on our sleep. Also, we have a bit of an issue with bathtime at the moment - we've been told to keep his leg dry, which we thought would be our main issue, but it turns out that he's now totally hysterical about the bath. He's obviously connecting the accident with the bath and we just gave up last night, he was too upset. Has anyone got any suggestions for how to get him back to his old 'splashy-bath loving' self?


  1. Oh poor Dex - he must need his sleep! Havent got any great advice for you - except maybe a new toy that he hasnt seen before - "cant play with it except in the bath" he bothered just sitting in the empty bath? Might be worth putting some towels in the bottom (no water!) and just playing in the bath with him (you too!).

    Hope he sorts himself out!


  2. Ruthie's idea sound a good bet. playing in the bath without water first then the new toy with water may help him reassociate bathtime with fun. congrats to the winner and best wishes to you

  3. Oh poor little Dex and you what a fright hun. I agree with Ruthie about the toys or how about just getting him beside the bath and playing rolling some small balls up and down the bath to start with before actually putting him in the bath just to gently get him comfortable with it again and don't rush him or you will both become anxious and it will become a real issue and a battleground. Maybe one of you get in the bath with him and play with toys when he's ready, I know it does make it really hard with not getting his leg wet but it's not the end of the world if he can't bath for a few days he can still have a good wash.
    Thank you hun for the lovely message you left me I really appreciate it
    hugs Mandy xx

  4. Agree with Mandy hun, forget about the bath for a few days (it's not like it's height of summer and he's gonna whiff wicked is it) - let his leg heal and then try to encourage him, maybe with his brother, and make a game of it. Hope he is soon bouncing again. Special hugs, Squirrel xx

  5. Oh dear poor Dex!! I can imagen how you were all feeling too! I agree with the girls comments and think if you can just forget the bath at least till he is able to get right in, he will be over the worst shock because that will be whats lingering more than the sore leg, The first shock is the worst shock!
    Sorry and good luck Samantha :0)

  6. aaaaaahhhhhh poor lamb, just give a lick and a spit for now...congratulations Sarah and thanks for doing the candy Lisa
    Mina xxx

  7. Awww poor Dex, I have no idea how you could get him liking the bath again. I hope you find something that works.

    Congratulations Sarah!!!

  8. Oooh Yippee is that me? Unless you had more than one Sarah enter.

    I never win anything, thank you so much hunny!

    Poor little Dex, hope he's okay now.

    Will email you.

    Sarah x
