
Tuesday 20 October 2009

Carol's sketch fun 16 & Creatalicious 3

Not my usual style this one, but I have a box of cards for people to buy at hubby's work, and I do try to send all different ones in so there's something for everyone. So I thought I'd make one based around a sweet sentiment instead of a cute image for once!

I've followed the sketch at Carol's Sketch Fun and I'm also entering this one for Creatalicious as I've followed their rules for this challenge - to use only scrap dp (can use new cardstock) and handmade flowers.

Cardstock is DCWV, as is the scrap of spotty paper - it's actually cut from a DCWV card blank that I ruined lol, at least it hasn't gone to waste! The flower was made using a woodware daisy punch, with a button and thread centre. I've sanded all the cardstock a bit, including the flower. The border was made with the Martha Stewart scallop dot punch, although I've covered up part of the design because I just wanted to show the edge of the scallops. The sentiment is a Paper Make Up one that I bought from Quixotic Paperie.


  1. Hi there. Pretty card, such gorgeous pastels and very delicate. Love the sentiment.
    Love Sandra xx

  2. simple but just beautiful!

  3. Hi, this is lovely, just goes to show you don't always need a cutie on your card xx

    Hugs Liz xx

  4. This is lovely Lisa. Really effective. What a pretty flower. I love this sketch - I made a baby card with it this morning.

    Kat xx

  5. such a pretty card Lisa...I love the simple but beautiful layout and colours...gorgeous
    Mina xxx

  6. Lovely soft colours Lisa, and it proves that you don't need images to make pretty cards! Love it!
    Thanks for joining my challenge :)

    Carol x

  7. Hi Lisa Lovely card very pretty. luv gina xx

  8. The colors you chose are so beautiful and the flower with the button center adds the perfect touch. Thanks so much for playing along with us at Creatilicious...hope to see you join us again next month.

    Abby:)..soft and pretty.

  9. Just beautiful,I love the soft colours and the flower with button!!! Great job with the challenge! Thanks for joining us at Creatalicious.
    Hugs xx

  10. its a beautiful card, simple and stunning, well done xx judie

  11. This is so beautiful.. What a lovely flower.. thanks so much for playing along.. Bec xx
