
Saturday 12 September 2009

I made the top 5 at Allsorts!

How exciting, I made the top 5 at the Allsorts challenge for my 'brothers' card! There are some super talented people out there and I tend to think I'm not really good enough, so it's nice to get something like this. It's given me a bit of a confidence boost :o) Thank you Allsorts!


  1. Well done hun, of course you are good enough your card is gorgeous. Love Mandy xx

  2. Congratulations. No surprise really it was a great card.

    Ali x

  3. Hey Lisa well done it's a great card. I hadn't seen it cos I've not been very good at getting round blogs this week. I'm very impressed I've only ever won cos my number came up never made the top anything! I tell myself that it's cos I haven't been blogging long but really it's just cos my cards are quite ordinary!!

    Kat xx

  4. Congrats on getting the Top5 of Allsorts.
    Kathleen x
