
Thursday 17 September 2009


Hmm, not my best card really is it? Or the best photo - the light's terrible today, I really want a daylight lamp! This one is for hubby's brother, and for the DT call at Inspirational Card Sketches. I seem to change style with each card at the moment, and this wasn't really what I had in mind when I started - it just sort of happened lol.

Anyway, the papers are My Mind's Eye 'bloom & grow', with coredinations cardstock. The 'happy birthday' sentiment is embossed and sanded back. I can't remember what brand the giraffe stamp is, but it's from Dies to Die For and was in a set called 'balloon animals' I think. I've glittered the giraffe's star with glamour dust for a bit of sparkle and did a bit of decoupage with the head, body and star, although I'm not sure if this really shows up in the pic. All edges have been lightly distressed and inked with distress inks. Finished off with some woodware buttons and tied some bazzill in stitch'z thread in a bow through the big button.


  1. good luck Lisa and for sketch saturday, I've not finished mine for this one yet but we're in it together again!

    Great card from a challenging sketch

    FIngers crossed


  2. oh my this has got to be the cutest card ive seen! i love that giraffe!! this really put a smile on my face and now i must go hunt down that giraffe stamp! good luck on the dt call out :)

  3. Took me a moment to work out it's a giraffe LOL! I must get my eyes done. It's a great card hun and really good luck with the DT. Squirrel xx

  4. Well I just love the giraffe it is such a cute card xx

  5. Lovely card! Good Luck on the DT call!
