
Wednesday 23 September 2009

CPS Sketches & Cupcake Craft

Sorry, not the best picture again - I really want a daylight lamp! This one is for CPS Sketches following their sketch, and Cupcake Craft challenge which is 'distressing'.

This is for my son's 7th birthday, and for once I'm really happy with it - I know he's going to love it :o) I've used images from Mo's Digital Pencil and downloaded papers from Designs By Krista. I've used a large 8" square card, matted everything onto plain red card, lightly distressed all the papers and then used distress inks on the edges. The nestie circles are the same red card with lots of glamour dust! The sentiment is computer generated. It's not perfect, and I can see some things that could have been better, but it'll make Morgan smile and that's the main thing!


  1. this is such a great card Lisa and perfect for your sons birthday...he will love it
    Mina xxx

  2. This is a great card for a little boy. He'll love it especially since his mummy made it.

    Kat x

  3. Hi Lisa

    This is a fantastic card for a 7 year old. Great little image.
    Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog too.

    Ali x

  4. Wow don't know about the piccie not being good hun, I think this card looks just stunning what great images and brilliant layout. Just perfect
    Hugs Jacqui x

  5. I think the pics are just fine, and the card is great, you got a lot of movement in there, perfect with the image

  6. Lisa this is a fab card hun, the piccy looks great, Morgan will love it. Re the daylight lamp lots of experienced crafters tell me not to waste money on a daylight lamp, a daylight bulb for a lamp is a much cheaper option and works just the same
    hugs Mandy xx

  7. HI Lisa, what a gorgeous card for Morgan.....he is going to love it! Great images and the glitter circles look fab. Love the distressed edges. Thanks for joining us at CCC this week. Hugs, Denise x

  8. Fabulous card, I love your distressing. Thanks for joining us at CCC.

    Liza x

  9. Great card, hope Morgan had a great day. Sarah x
