
Tuesday 24 March 2015

Cute Pup set - DigiStamp Boutique DT

Hello everyone... sorry for the long gaps between posting at the moment, I'm just not feeling very creative lately.  Hopefully this will improve soon!

Here's one of this month's cute images from DigiStamp Boutique... there are lots more new ones that you can see HERE - all fab!

Obviously I'm very drawn to all things puppy at the moment, so I couldn't resist using the Cute Pup set... this is one of the new offer sets, and is just £1.25 for a fab selection of images and sentiments!

Thanks for popping in... hope you have a lovely evening :o)

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Spring Bently - DigiStamp Boutique DT

Hello... sorry it's been a while, it's been a truly rubbish week!  Dex was ill, then I was ill, and then our elderly cat Bram decided he'd finally had enough of plodding on, and we had to make that horrible decision at the vets... the house feels so strange without him, and we all spent most of yesterday sobbing!

Onto today's card, using cute Bently bunny from DigiStamp Boutique... you can find this image HERE.

I had a total blank on what to use, so I kept it all white and followed the sketch at Sketch Saturday to keep me on track.

Thanks for popping in, hope you have a lovely evening :o)